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Saturday, September 4, 2010


Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) was established by the Act of Parliament NO.6 of 1980 to promote, conduct, supervise, and co-ordinate fisheries research in Tanzania. The Institute is governed by the Board of Directors. This Institute is comprised of four Centres and one Substation: Mwanza Centre and Sota Substation on Lake Victoria, Kigoma Centre on Lake Tanganyika, Kyela Centre on Lake Nyasa (Malawi) and Oar es Salaam Centre on the Indian Ocean. The Institute Headquarters is located at Kunduchi in Dar es Salaam.

a) Duty station- Head office

b) Reports to: Director General

c) Qualification and Experience

The candidate should posses of full professional qualification on Certified 0 Public Accountant (Tanzania) [CPA (T)], Association of Certified Chartered _ Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Accountant (CA) or equivalent, and must be registered by the National Board of Accountants and Auditors Tanzania (NBBA) as Authorized Accountant/Auditor. Training in Public/Business Administration or Human Resources Management or equivalent ~ qualification shall be added advantage. The candidate should have at least eight (8) years of working experience in finance, accountancy and l administration in a reputable organisation, three (3) of which should be in = senior position; and must have the ability to provide dynamic administrative leadership to the Institute. He/She must be computer literate. Jl

d) Duties and Responsibilities

• Shall be the Head of the Directorate of Finance & Administration, and Member of the TAFIRI Management Committee

• Shall be the Chief Advisor of the Director General in all Financial/Supplies and Administrative/Human Resources matters;

• Shall plan, coordinate and control financial/supplies and administrative/human resources matters;

• Shall establish and maintain accounting system in accordance with acceptable financial regulations of the Institute;

• Shall prepare, in accordance with accepted accounting principles, periodic and annual accounts reports of the Institute;

• Shall ensure that the Director General is supplied with up to date information necessary for discharging his responsibilities relating to I financial/supplies and administrative/human resources matters;

• Shall be responsible for keeping the Director General up to date in regards to the movement of the finances of the Institute by supplying such information and at such frequency as the Director General may direct.

• Shall be the overall financial advisor to all other Heads of Directorates and Research Centres in respect of their financial obligations to the Institute and in so doing he/she shall ensure that strict economy is exercised and may inform the Director General if in his/her opinion, any Directorate Head or Centre Director fails to respond satisfactorily to advice and direction regarding efficient and economic discharge of his/her financial responsibility to the Institute.

• Shall develop and administer TAFIRI Master Budget in cooperation with other Directorates and Departmental Heads;

• Shall be responsible in implementing the personnel and administration policies of the Institute;

• Shall be responsible for human resources planning and development;

• Shall be responsible for initiating the recruitment and appointment of such staff as he/she considers suitable to his requirements in fulfilling .his/her Directorate's obligation;

• May delegate any of the authorities and/or responsibilities under him to [:>~ any person in his/her Directorate, but shall still be accountable for the am action of such person(s); U"

• Shall perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Director

e) Terms of Engagement: Five years contract, renewable once on

Mode of application

If you meet requirements for the above-mentioned positions please submit your hand written application with a detailed CV and photocopies of Academic Certificates and testimonials plus names and addresses of at least two referees to:-

Director General,

Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, P.O. Box 9750, DAR ES SALAAM

Deadline: The applications should be submitted to the above address within 21 days.

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