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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Women Enterprise Fund Kenya - Recruitment of Volunteers

Are you a young, dynamic, patriotic & passionate Kenyan yearning for an opportunity to serve your community and make a difference?

Do you believe in women economic empowerment and gender equality?

Do you want to be part of a solution in poverty reduction?
If yes, read on.
Women Enterprise Fund is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency that was established through the promulgation of  (The Women Enterprise Fund Regulations) and gazetted on 3rd August 2007. The Fund is a flagship project under the social pillar in Vision 2030.
The Fund’s mission is “…to mobilize resources and offer access to affordable credit and business support services to women entrepreneurs” and the vision is, “… socially and economically empower Kenyan women entrepreneurs for economic development.”
The Fund is offering an opportunity to young Kenyans to volunteer themselves and be part of a team that will deliver its mission and contribute to economic empowerment of women. The pilot phase of this volunteership service will be in 64 constituencies selected on the basis of challenges in loans uptake and repayment. After the successful launch, the programme will be rolled to cover all constituencies.
The roles of the Volunteers will be:
  1. Create awareness about the Fund.
  2. Assist Self Help Groups (SHGs) access and fill loan applications.
  3. Capacity building of women borrowers.
  4. Monitor utilization of loans and repayment.
  5. Provide the feedback link between SHGs and the Fund’s secretariat.
Benefits to volunteers:
  • The volunteers will be provided with an opportunity to strengthen their communities by enlightening them about the Fund.
  • Volunteership will provide them with an opportunity to transform and improve the lives of the members of their community and their own lives.
  • It will provide an opportunity for one to contribute to a cause that one cares about, connect with the communities and feel involved.
  • They will also be presented with an opportunity to solve the problems affecting their communities.
  • It will be an excellent opportunity to give back to the community ones time, energy and skills. The feeling of self fulfillment/ living a purpose for doing a noble duty to ones community.
  • Volunteers could easily venture in private consultancies in the provision of business development services to the same communities or elsewhere given the thorough training the Fund will have exposed them to.
  • In addition to the above, this will strengthen their resumes & improve the employerability of the volunteers in the job market.
The Fund invites applications from qualified Kenyans from the under-listed 64 pilot constituencies. One vacancy exists in each pilot constituency.
  1. One must be a local resident in a particular constituency,
  2. Minimum holder of a Diploma in relevant field, e.g. social development, banking, business studies, entrepreneurship or its equivalent from a recognized institution,
  3. Fluency in the local language(s) and sensitive to the local cultures,
  4. Age 30 – 45 years.
Successful candidates will serve for a period of two years renewable.
To paraphrase a former American President, “Ask not what Kenya can do for you, but what contribution you can make to make the country and your community better.” It is in this spirit that, “We enjoy political freedom because our grandmothers and fathers volunteered their services to liberate us from colonialists, it is now your turn to volunteer your skills, time and energy to liberate our mothers and sisters from the yoke of poverty and deliver economic freedom/financial abundance.”
Note: “This engagement is not on a full time basis.”
Rift Valley Province
  1. Sigor
  2. Kajiado South
  3. Kacheliba
  4. Eldoret South
  5. Narok South
  6. Kajiado Central
  7. Tinderet
  8. Laikipia West
Eastern Province
  1. Mutito
  2. Laisamis
  3. Central Imenti
  4. Kitui Central
  5. Kilome
  6. Kitui South
  7. Yatta
  8. Kaiti
North Eastern Province
  1. Wajir North
  2. Wajir South
  3. Wajir East
  4. Wajir West
  5. Ijaara
  6. Mandera West
  7. Mandera Central
  8. Lagdera
Western Province
  1. Butere
  2. Khwisero
  3. Mt. Elgon
  4. Ikolomani
  5. Webuye
  6. Lugari
  7. Shinyalu
  8. Amagoro
Nyanza Province
  1. Mbita
  2. Bobasi
  3. Uriri
  4. Nyando
  5. Nyatike
  6. Nyakach
  7. Rongo
  8. Gwassi
Central Province
  1. Kandara
  2. Maragwa
  3. Kiambaa
  4. Kabete
  5. Githunguri
  6. Mwea
  7. Mathioya
  8. Kiharu
Coast Province
  1. Garsen
  2. Galole
  3. Bura
  4. Taveta
  5. Kinango
  6. Ganze
  7. Wundanyi
  8. Changamwe
Nairobi Province
  1. Kasarani
  2. Starehe
  3. Kamukunji
  4. Langata
  5. Westlands
  6. Dagoretti
  7. Embakasi
  8. Makadara
Applicants are required to send in their applications stating why they want to volunteer, accompanied with a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of testimonials and certificates to “THE DISTRICT COMMISSIONER OF THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICTS”
The envelopes should be clearly marked, “application for volunteership and the constituency.”
So as to be received on or before 12th May, 2010.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Any canvassing prior to or after the interviews will lead to automatic disqualification.
The Women Enterprise Fund is an equal opportunity employer.
S. T. Wainaina
Chief Executive/Director
“You empower a woman, you have empowered a family and a whole nation”

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