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Monday, April 26, 2010

Call for Expression of Interest in Expat Project Manager Position with Danish Refugee Council

Call for Expression of Interest Candidates for Up Coming Primary
Education Project in Northern Bahr el Ghazal (NbEG)

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has been present in South Sudan since
2005 with operations in
Central Equatoria (Yei, Lainya, Kajo Keji and Morobo Counties) and
Northern Bahr el Ghazal (Aweil South County).

We are growing our programme and are looking for expressions of
interest in a planned Primary Education project in Aweil West which
includes construction of primary schools and boreholes, capacity
building in: human and child rights, establishment of safe schools,
child protection mechanisms and local capacity for management. Funding
for this position will be confirmed by mid June and interested
candidates should be available from July 1, 2010.  Candidates should
be very experienced and capable Programme Managers able to head our
project activities in the area, under direct leadership and
supervision of the DRC South Sudan Programme Representative.

The overall objective for DRC in South Sudan is the protection and
promotion of durable solutions
to displacement affected populations on the basis of humanitarian
principles and human rights
with more immediate objectives focusing on the right to education,
access to education for target populations, girl’s education, child
protection in the schools and community, capacity of local
authorities, management committees and CBOs to promote education and
to monitor and supervise quality of education in primary schools.

In spite of improvements over the last years, the security situation
in South Sudan remains volatile. Unsolved issues between North and
South Sudan, ongoing conflicts between tribes and
clans, and frequent cattle rustling all contribute to renewed
displacements and general
unrest in some areas of South Sudan. Returns of people displaced
during the war have been heavy over recent years and new returnees
still require assistance in reintegration into communities. At the
same time host and receiving communities are vulnerable and require
support to meet the increased demands on services and resources.

DRC is a rights based organisation and a member of the Humanitarian
Accountability Partnership
(HAP), and therefore committed to documenting our accountability to
the beneficiary population
and the impact of our activities. DRC adopts a community-based
approach, where beneficiaries
and local authorities are included in the prioritising, planning and
implementation of activities as an
important measure of rehabilitation and capacity building.

Assuring the adherence with international human rights and HAP
compliance in all operations, constitutes some of the main challenges
and priorities of DRC and are particularly relevant in the
implementation of projects.

Reporting to the South Sudan Programme Representative, the Programme
Manager is overall responsible for implementation of the DRC Education
project in Aweil West County of Northern Bahr el Ghazal. The more
specific responsibilities include:

• Organize project staff recruitment and training supported by the DRC
Country Director and key DRC expatriate and local staff
• Coordinate the activities of the 4 project partners and ensure
issues arising are dealt with in a constructive collegial manner.
• Represent DRC in the area of operation
• Contribute to strategic planning and development of DRCs Northern
Bahr el Ghazal programme
• Together with the DRC South Sudan Programme Representative, and
other relevant staff, to identify opportunities for new projects and
pursue possible donors.
• Responsible for ensuring that quarterly/annual/project action plans
are prepared in accordance with
annual planning cycle and agreed by all partners.
• Coordination and good collaboration with all actors involved
including local partners and
authorities, as well as other donors and humanitarian actors in the
• Ensure that the project(s) follows DRC standard regulations and
operational procedures (e.g. Code of Conduct, DRC Operational
Handbook, and DRC Programme Manual)
• Ensure that contact is at all times with beneficiaries, target
groups and representatives/authorities conducted in a sensitive and
respectful manner.

Administration and Personnel Management
• Overall responsible for managing the project in Aweil West,
including the overall financial reporting and budget monitoring, DRC
staff management, DRC administrative issues, security for all partners/
staff, coordination of logistics as needed by partners and other
aspects pertaining to running the DRC project, and adhering to DRC
rules and guidelines.
• Responsible for the organizational development of DRC Aweil West
operations, including DRC staff recruitment and staff supervision.
• Assess staff development needs and provide/recommend training and
coaching to increase
technical skills as it becomes necessary.

Monitoring and Reporting
• Ensuring baseline information is gathered, reviews are held
routinely on project progress, partners meet to resolve any issues and
there is joint monitoring and evaluation exercises are carried out
with community/local authorities and partners as per the Monitoring
and Evaluation plan for the project.
• Accounting for the overall activities of the four partners of the
project in Aweil West – providing unified progress report on all
• Ensure that timely narrative and financial reports are provided by
each partner and are merged and presented to the South Sudan Programme
Representative on time
• Responsibility for preparing public information material on the
project to be presented to the South Sudan Programme Representative.

• Ensure appropriate information regarding security in the area is
monitored and shared with partners/staff
• Security planning, including development and regular updating of
security and evacuation plans
and measures for the area, as well as implementation of contingency
• Ensure that security incidents are reported to the DRC South Sudan
Programme Representative  as well as DRC HQ.

• The Programme Manager will, under the leadership of the DRC South
Sudan Programme Representativer, take part in applying for funding and
broadening of the funding base for DRC Northern Bahr el Ghazal as

• Guided by the DRC Programme Manual, continuously monitor and develop
accountability initiatives in the field as well as strengthening the
effort to document the impact of
activities and our presence.

DRC invites qualified applicants matching the requirements listed
above especially those with protection, education in emergencies
experience. They should have clear management and
technical/hands-on experience, be very familiar with humanitarian
principles and practices, and have had some representational roles in
international organizations. Preference will be given to those who
have led NGO consortia in the past or worked on joint NGO projects.
The applicant should have had experience in operating in areas of
unrest. He/she has a good and operative insight into financial
management and takes active responsibility in budget and expenditure
planning and control.

In addition
• At least 5 years experience within humanitarian / development work.
Experience with major
donors including DFID, European donors would be an advantage.
• Solid experience in programme management – administration, financial
and human resource
• Experience in donor contact, fundraising and networking
• Negotiation, advocacy and communication skills
• Fluency in written and spoken English
• Preferably working experience from African countries

Start Date: 1 July 2010 as funding allows
Duty station: Northern Bahr el Ghazal.
Contract: 18 months, subject to funding and performance. Salary and
other conditions in accordance with DRCs Terms of Employment for
Expatriates, which can be found on our website under
Vacancies. The position is placed at Level B3.

Further information
You are welcome to contact South Sudan Programme Representative, Susan
Watkins: +249-907-205-432,  for additional
information on the position.

For information about our work and organisation, please visit our

Expression of Interest and CV
Please forward a cover letter and CV, in English and marked “PM Aweil
West” to, no later than May 3, 2010.

About DRC
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, independent,
humanitarian organization working
on all aspects of the refugee cause in more than twenty five countries
throughout the world. The
aim of DRC is to protect refugees and internally displaced people
(IDPs) against persecution and
to promote durable solutions to the problems of forced migration, on
the basis of humanitarian
principles and human rights. DRC works in accordance with the UN
Conventions on Refugees and
the Code of Conduct for the ICRC and NGOs in Disaster Relief.
The protection and assistance to conflict affected population is
provided within a long-term,
regional and rights-based approach in order to constitute a coherent
and effective response to the
challenges posed by today’s conflicts. Assistance consists of relief
and other humanitarian aid,
rehabilitation, support to return and repatriation as well as
promotion of long-term solutions to
displacement and its causes. In addition, support and capacity
building of local and national
authorities and NGOs form an integral part of DRC’s work.

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