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Monday, October 19, 2009

National Aids Control Council (NACC) Request for Expression of Interest Independent External Auditor Kenya

Republic of Kenya
Office of the President

National Aids Control Council (NACC)
Request for Expression of Interest

Independent External Auditor Kenya

Independent External Auditor- (Extension of Closing Date from 19th October to 3rd November 2009)

The Total War against AIDS (TOWA) Consulting Services, Expression of Interest

The Government of Kenya has received financial assistance from the International Development Agency (IDA)/Department for International Development (DFID) to support Total War against AIDS (TOWA) project.

The project contributes to the partnership against HIV and AIDS in Kenya by supporting the Government’s program as articulated in the National HIV and AIDS Strategic plan 2006/2010.

The Government intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit/Grant for independent external audit consultancy services.

The main purpose of the independent external auditor is to

a) Establish that proper books/records of accounts have been maintained and are in agreement with the supporting documents, information and explanations obtained from the implementing agencies.

b) Establish that the expenditure had been incurred in accordance with the grant agreement signed by the implementing agency and in accordance with approved work plans and budgets

c) Verify that the reported activities were actually implemented and properly represented in the required financial reports/statements by the implementing agencies.

d) Verify that all related procurement procedures that enhance transparency including proper records keeping were adhered to.

e) Verify that proper records/books have consistently been prepared in accordance with the accountability guidelines issued by the Financial Management Agency (FMA ) and that the reports are in accordance to International Financial reporting Standards (IFRS).

The assignment is for a period of Two (2) months

National AIDS Control Council (the client) now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services;

Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.

The information should include description of similar assignments undertaken and experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff,etc,.

The information should include names and addresses of at least 2 clients that the consultant has worked with in the past 2 years.

Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

A consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the world Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (Published by the association in May 2004) Revised October 2006

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0800H to 1700H from Monday to Friday except public holidays in Kenya.

Expression of interest must be delivered to the address below not later than 3rd November, 2009 at 12.30 pm

The Director
National Aids Control Council
Landmark Plaza 9th Floor
Argwings Kodhek Road Opposite the Nairobi Hospital

P.O.Box 61307-00200, Nairobi Kenya

Tel +254 020 2711261 / 2896000

Hotline 313000

TOLL-FREE 0800-72007

Fax +254 020 2711072 / 2711231

ATT: Deputy Director Finance & Administration.

NB.On the envelop please indicate the following


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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008