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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Job Consult Careers: Principal – Arusha, Tanzania

Title: Principal – Arusha, Tanzania

The Organisation: The Academy, founded in 1992, based in Arusha and managed by a private consortium of businessmen. The Academy is based on the principles and precepts, dream and vision of holistic development of future leaders and citizens through academic excellence, discipline, integrity and physical fitness.

The Principal is responsible to Board/Government for the smooth and efficient functioning of the institution. S/he is to perform the following duties:


  1. Implement the policies and directives of Board/Government regarding the conduct and functioning of the School and make all efforts to achieve the school’s objectives.
  2. Anticipate future requirements of the institution and appraise the Board/Government accordingly.
  3. Send timely reports and returns to the Board/Government as required.
  4. Arrange regular staff meetings to generate co-coordinated teamwork.

Quality of Teaching

  1. Adopt suitable measures for improving the standard of instruction and ensure quality education in the institution.
  2. Hold meetings with teaching and non-teaching staff regularly in order to know their problems and convey instruction to be followed by them.
  3. Ensure punctuality and attendance of the teaching staff in reporting to classes.
  4. Monitor syllabi coverage of all classes by ensuring the weekly breakdown is followed and in the case of discrepancies make certain remedial measures are taken.
  5. Guide teachers on teaching methodology and ensure a high standard of instructions and arrange in-service training programmes for teaching staff.
  6. Supervise instructional work in the classrooms by visiting classes regularly to check teachers' work and carry out lesson assessment of teachers according to an approved plan.
  7. Prepare the school timetable detailing subject/class teachers as appropriate for the smooth running of the school and make necessary adjustments on a daily basis to take account of teachers' availability. Prepare and monitor implementation of school homework policy
  8. Regularly check the teachers' diaries and lesson plans.

General Staff Matters

  1. Maintain a disciplined and conducive learning environment in the institution.
  2. S/he will be responsible for dealing with all discipline cases of employees.
  3. Carry out regular supervisory checks over the working of the school system and performance of the major functionaries working under him/her.
  4. Raise annual efficiency confidential reports on the employees of the institution and initiate appraisals for all staff.
  5. Ensure punctuality and attendance of all staff in reporting to school.
  6. Ensure compliance with the School’s code of conduct.
  7. Ensure fair distribution of work for all employees.
  8. Ensure timely payment of pays and allowances to all the staff and that their genuine rights are not denied to them.
  9. Take appropriate and timely measures to keep the institution adequately staffed. S/he will also be a member of Selection Committee that appoints staff to the schools.
  10. Process leave applications and only approves casual leave if the institution will not suffer.


  1. Implement the policies and directives of the Examination Authorities used for public examinations classes and keep him/her informed about any charges regarding syllabi and the conduct of examinations.
  2. Organise termly and annual examinations.


  1. Ensure good upkeep of the classrooms and display of charts, timetable and relevant information in the classrooms.
  2. Check classrooms for basic necessities such as availability of chalk, blackboard, furniture, lighting, ventilation, etc and report shortcomings, if any, to the school office.
  3. Take necessary steps to maintain and cater for essential academic facilities such as library, laboratories and computer section.
  4. Work out future requirement of school textbooks, uniform, office and school furniture/equipment including sports gear and process/purchase its demand to directorate of education well in time for their timely distribution.
  5. S/he will be responsible for ensuring the proper security and upkeep of the school premises.
  6. Thefts, damages, losses in classroom furnishing/fitting, during and out of working hours must be officially reported.


  1. S/he must maintain a disciplined and conducive learning environment in the institution and ensure students comply with the School’s code of conduct.
  2. Arrange that when necessary students are counselled to help them overcome their personal and academic difficulties.
  3. Ensure use of homework diaries by students
  4. Arrange extra coaching for weak students.
  5. Ensure that no corporal punishment is given to the students
  6. Ensure, with the help other staff, proper discipline during students' movement from their classrooms to other places as well as during the break.
  7. S/he will be responsible for dealing with all discipline cases of students and will need to investigate and produce reports as necessary with recommendations, on cases involving serious violation of institution discipline and wilful damage to institution's property.

Extra-curricular activities & events

  1. S/he is responsible for organising extra-curricular activities and sports.
  2. S/he should detail staff to various extra-curricular activities and provide them guidelines on how to conduct them.
  3. Suitable arrangement should be made to celebrate/observe days of international/ national and religious significance. Other school functions, such as, annual prize distribution ceremony/parents' day, sports day etc should be organised.

Parents/Guardians & Community Links

  1. Keep the parents apprised of the academic performance and general conduct of their children and arrange sufficient opportunities for parents-teachers contact.
  2. Inform the parents about the school rules/ regulations and instructions/responsibilities of the parents etc.
  3. Facilitate teacher-parent contacts (by appointment) and arrange formal parents-teachers meetings.
  4. Attend to parents' complaints/suggestions and where necessary meet with them to solve their genuine problems with regard to education of their children.
  5. Facilitate community contacts and arrange formal meetings to build links with them.

Student’s Entrance Qualifications

  1. Ensure students are admitted to the institution in accordance with the admission policy in a transparent manner.
  2. Supervise the processing of fresh and other admissions of students after the entrance test.
  3. Inform the students about the school rules/ regulations and their responsibilities.

Routine Administration

  1. Maintain up-to-date information about students' strength, teachers' nominal roll, syllabi progress and examination results.
  2. Complete a monthly statistical return
  3. Maintain staff attendance register and leave record on a daily basis.
  4. Ensure maintenance of students' attendance record by class teachers in class attendance registers.
  5. Get student dossiers and result cards regularly updated by class teachers.
  6. Provide a consolidated daily attendance record of the students.
  7. Prepare examination date sheet and ensure that the teachers mark the examination answer scripts and the class teachers prepare the result sheets within the stipulated time.
  8. Ensure the timely dispatch of result cards to parents.

Perform any other reasonable duties related to school activities that might be assigned by the Board/Government from time to time.

Educational Background/Work experience

Bachelor’s degree in Education/ Business Administration.

Should have at least master in education with 10 years experience, added advantage if he has teacher training skills and worked as school inspector or trainer.

Send your CV to

Only shortlist candidates will be contacted.

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