Sustainable Development For All-Kenya (SDFA-Kenya) is a non-profit, non-partisan, development N.G.O, that implements projects that aim to bring economic and social sustainability to communities in Kenya.
We have received a grant from our international partners to offer TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS as follows:
1. College and University Undergraduate students – US$100 to US$1400 per student.
2. Postgraduate students – US$ 1000 to US$ 3000 per student.
Apply ONLINE or DOWNLOAD the application forms at:
or pick the application forms at:
Suite 196, Macadamia Court, Mountain View, Waiyaki Way
Tel: +254 20 8330045/+254 20 2422516
Email: scholarship @
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sustainable Development For All-Kenya (SDFA-Kenya) 2009/2010 Scholarship Program
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
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MyAfricanCareer Posts
- Assistant Kiswahili Professor - University of Kansas
- Safaricom Jobs: Area Sales Manager
- Safaricom Jobs: Personal Assistant to the HOD- Reg...
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- Girls High School in Garissa Teaching Jobs: Princi...
- Consulting Engineering Firm Engineering Jobs: Engi...
- National Environmental Management Authority Jobs: ...
- Sokonet (EA) Marketers Job Vacancies
- KEMRI / WELLCOME Trust Research Programme Research...
- Printing Press Jobs in Industrial Area, Nairobi
- Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institut...
- Colgate Palmolive (East Africa) Opportunity for Le...
- Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization (MYWO) Job Vaca...
- Kabarak University Jobs: Assistant Internal Auditor
- National Environment Management Authority Tender: ...
- EngenderHealth Vacancy Announcement: Project Direc...
- CARE International in Kenya Vacancy Announcement: ...
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- Legal Assistant Job Vacancy in an International Ch...
- Touring and Accounting Job Opportunities in Mombasa
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- Ultra Kenya Limited Jobs: Senior Accountant
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- Cruise Specialist Job Vacancy in East Africa
- African Cotton & Textile Industries Federation (AC...
- Ebrahim Haji Charitable Health Centre Jobs: Labora...
- Association for Strengthening Agricultural Researc...
- Accountant Job in Zanzibar
- ActionAid Jobs: Regional Governance Coordinator
- African Trade Insurance Agency Jobs: Chief Executi...
- Government of Southern Sudan: Ministry of Gender, ...
- Turnkey Africa Limited Jobs: Graduate Trainees
- Three Green Apples Consulting Jobs: Sales Manager
- International Finance Corporation Jobs: Operations...
- Swift Human Resource Consultants Jobs: Waiters/Wai...
- Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Jobs: S...
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Jobs: ...
- Medical Emergency Relief International (Merlin) Jo...
- Vacancy- Computer Tutor
- Meru Central Dairy Co-operative Union Ltd Jobs
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- Libya Oil Kenya Jobs: Territory Manager - Retail L...
- Kenya Institute of Social Work & Machakos Institut...
- The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Jobs:
- United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) Jobs: Seni...
- Vacancy: Google Earth Trainers
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- Aid Village Clinics Limited Vacancy Announcement
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- Sudan Recovery Fund Southern Sudan (SRF-SS) Urgent...
- Nzoia Sugar Company Excellent Career Opportunities
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- Health Laboratory Technician - 3 Posts
- Health Laboraroty Technologists - 3 Posts
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