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Monday, September 28, 2009

Government of Southern Sudan: Ministry of Gender, Social Welfare and Religious Affairs Job Vacancies

Government of Southern Sudan

Ministry of Gender, Social Welfare and Religious Affairs
(Southern Sudan Gender Support and Development Project)

Request for Applications/Curriculum Vitae for:

i. Financial Management Specialist

ii. Project/M&E Officer

Request No.: GSDP/Eol/IC/2009

1. This request for Applications follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UN Development Business, issue No. 753 of 30th June, 2009.

This advertisement was first published in the Juba Post of August 17-20, 2009; the Southern Eye of August 3, 2009 and The Citizen of August 4, 2009.

All who submitted applications are encouraged to resubmit in line with the requirements of this advertisement (GSDP/Eol/IC/2009).

2. The Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has received a Grant toward the cost of Gender Support and Development Project from the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) provided by a consortium of Donors and managed by the International Development Association (IDA).

The project objective is to achieve immediate peace dividends for targeted women in Southern Sudan, through the provision of:

(a) improvements in access to existing economic opportunities and

(b) support to the MoGSW&RA to develop and implement gender policies and strategies.

The project has three components

(i) Economic Empowerment of Women

(ii) Construction of a Building for the MoGSW&RA and

(iii) Institutional Development of the MoGSW&RA.

3. The Ministry of Gender, Social Welfare and Religious Affairs (MoGSW&RA) is the key Government Agency responsible for coordination of stakeholders involved in the implementation of the project.

4. The Government of Southern Sudan, represented by MoGSW&RA, now invites eligible Individual Consultants for the following positions under the Gender Support and Development Project:

a. Financial Management Specialist (to provide financial management support in the
implementation of the project).

b. Project/M&E Officer (to provide Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation support in the
implementation of the project)

5. Time Schedule
  • The assignment will be for a period of twelve months with a possibility of extension for another twelve months subject to satisfactory performance for each position.
6. Qualifications & Experience.

The minimum qualifications and experiences required for the positions are:

6.1. Financial Management Specialist: a degree in accounting or related field; should be Part Qualified (at least level II) of a recognized Accountancy professional body, such as ACCA or CPA; at least five (5) years of post-qualification experience directly relevant to public sector financial management; experience of having led a public sector finance team of'professionals in developing or developed countries; and fully familiar with project accounting requirements of donors, especially The World Bank.

6.2. Project/M&E Officer: a degree with comparable experience in Gender Studies, Public Administration, Political Science, Community Development, Development Studies or related areas; skilled in developing monitoring frameworks; extensive experience in working at the grass roots, preferably in countries in Africa; minimum of 3 years of relevant working experience in development issues; capacity to initiate, sustain and deepen relationships with key partners.

In addition to the above listed requirements for the positions, it is essential for applicants to be computer literate in relevant applications; should have excellent communication skills; fluent in English and should have experience in developing countries or in countries with conditions similar to those in Southern Sudan

7. Interested applicants should submit a covering letter indicating their reasons for interest in, and qualification for, the position along with detailed curricula vitae.

8. Applicants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in The World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (May 2004; revised October 2006).

9. Interested consultants may obtain further information and a copy of the full Terms of Reference at the address below during office hours, from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm East African Time (GMT + 3).

10. Applications indicating clearly which position they are applying for must be delivered to the address or forwarded to the E-mail addresses as shown below by 5:00 pm East African Time (GMT + 3) on 12th October 2009.

11. Address for further information and submission of applications

Mr. Santino Majak Deng
Director General for Administration, Finance and Planning,
Ministry of Gender, Social Welfare and Religious Affairs
Government of Southern Sudan
Juba, Southern Sudan
Tel:+256 477150675

Email: majak49 @

Cc: admin @; MGSWRAGOSS @

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