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Monday, September 28, 2009

Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources Vacancies for Resource People for the GOK/UNEP/UNITAR/ Project on SAICM Quick Start Project

Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources

Vacancies for Resource People for the GOK/UNEP/UNITAR/ Project On SAICM Quick Start Project


The Government of Kenya recognizes the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation as adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002 that sets a goal to ensure the sound management of chemicals world-wide by 2020.

World community has adopted the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management(SAICM) to be the driver of this process.

In this regard Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and United Nations Institute For Training and Research UNITAR with the financial support provided for the project by the UNEP SAICM Quick Start Programme Trust Fund are implementing SAICM in Kenya.

MEMR is therefore inviting suitably qualified Kenyans to apply to provide various services as resourc people in the Projects Coordination Office based at the Ministry Headquarters as detailed below:

11.0 Area Technical Expert


The technical expert will specifically be expected to assist the Project Coordinator to undertake the following:

i. Undertake preparatory activities for project and workshops

ii. Coordinate support and advice regarding development of the National Chemicals Profile establishment of inter-ministerial coordination mechanism, National SAICM Capacity Assessment preparation, national SAICM priority setting, national policy development activities, National Chemicals Management Database development activities, and Action Plan development activities

iii. Coordinate the planning workshop for preparing a National Profile and National SAICM Capacity Assessment, inter-ministerial coordination mechanism establishment activities, National SAICM Forum, planning meeting for National Chemicals Management Database, and Action Plan Skills Building Workshop

iv. Coordinate arrangements with UNITAR to host the National Profile on the UNITAR/ECB National Profile Homepage, and National SAICM Capacity Assessment, National SAICM Forum report, and national policy prepared by Kenya on UNITAR's website Assist with project evaluation.

v. Assist with project evaluation.

vi. Organise advisory committee meetings, where appropriate

Qualifications: Advanced degree in economics, planning or physical science, engineering with at least 10 years experience in field and proven track record in chemicals management.

Timing: The services of the resources person will be required for 5-10 months and will be spread over the duration of the project

Language: English, Kiswahili, and other UN language(s) an advantage.

2.0 Title: Information Technology Expert and Data Assistants

Duties: The Information technology expert will specifically be expected to assist the Project Coordinator (national) to:

i. Establish a system for proper chemicals' data processing within the chemicals stakeholder institutions such as NEMA, Government Chemist, Pest Control Products Board, Kenya Association of Manufacturers etc

ii. Design the database at MEMR Headquarters, a portal for chemicals \ information and Exchange Network (CIEN)

iii. Install and Operate the database in MEMR

iv. Train the Ministry staff to operate the database system chemicals Information

v. Link the database to other sources of information

Qualifications: Advanced degree in computer science with at least 10 years experience in field.

Language: English, Kiswahili, and other UN language(s) an advantage.

3.0 Post Title: Legal and Policy Analyst


The Resource Persons will be expected to assist the Project Coordinator to:

i. Develop and provide input to the National Profile, inter-ministerial coordination mechanism establishment, National SAICM Capacity Assessment;

ii. Address the legal and policy issues of project administrative issues

iii. Develop National Chemicals Profile

iv. Establishment of an inter-ministerial coordination mechanism,

v. Preparation a National SAICM Capacity Assessment,

vi. Promote understanding of the national SAICM priority setting,

vii. Strengthen the national governance framework for SAICM implementation,

viii. Ensure governance-related issues are examined in the context of the development of the National Profile and National SAICM Capacity Assessment, and discussed at the National SAICM Forum after which Kenya will translate issues raised in these processes into a coherent national policy to strengthen governance for SAICM implementation,

ix. As Kenya aims to develop sound Action Plans (including addressing Partnership Projects and financial resource mobilisation) and develop a National Chemicals Management Database the resource person will ensure all legal and policy issues are addressed

Qualifications: Advanced degree in qualifications in disciplines related to environmental law with at least 10 years experience in field and proven track record in environmental law.

Language: English, Kiswahili, and other UN language(s) an advantage. Applications clearly labelled SAICM Experts should be sent to:

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources
NHIF Building
P.O Box 30521-00100

So as to reach the Ministry on, or before 12th October, 2009

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Hand delivered applications should be submitted to the Ministry Headquarters, NHIF Building,13th Floor at the Central Registry.

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