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Monday, September 28, 2009

Agricultural Finance Corporation Emergency Livestock Off-Take Programme Business Opportunities Kenya

The Ministry of Livestock Development has been running an Emergency Livestock Off-Take Programme through the Agricultural Finance Corporation.

The programme is aimed at supporting the Government's on-going drought relief programmes by increasing the Livestock off-take from the drought stricken districts.

The programme is intended to encourage private sector participation in alleviating the effect of the current drought by involving private ranchers, individuals and or development organizations in purchasing livestock from the affected districts.

The overall intention of the programme is to ensure that the affected communities are cushioned against the potential economic loss that may arise from the effect of the drought and that the Country does not lose these animals.

In view of the severity of the current drought, it has become necessary that the programme is urgently scaled up. The Ministry has provided additional funding to Agricultural Finance Corporation for this purpose.

The expanded programme will target private ranchers, individuals and or development organizations who currently have surplus feeding capacity and are willing to purchase the animals from the following 22 districts (or any other Districts created out of them):- Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, Ijara, Mwingi, Machakos, Kitui, Makueni, Isiolo, Marsabit, Moyale, Turkana, West Pokot, Baringo, Samburu, Laikipia, Narok, Trans Mara, Kajiado, Taita Taveta, Kwale and Tana River.

AFC will offer the loans at competitive terms with the intention that the private ranchers, individuals and/ or development organizations will pass on the benefit to the affected communities.

AFC now invites private ranchers, individuals and/or development organizations who are interested in participating in this programme to apply.

Applicants should meet the following minimum conditions:-
  • Have well developed ranches with adequate infrastructure including water, dipping facilities, pasture and adequate security
  • Have surplus ranch carrying capacity able to take in extra animals; and/or
  • Are able to provide alternative feeding systems to the purchased animals.
Applications should contain the following:
  • Letter indicating profile of the ranch/rancher/individual(s)/development organization
  • Project proposal clearly indicating the available capacity, number of livestock to be purchased and the chosen district from which the stock will be purchased.
Interested applicants should submit their proposals to the nearest AFC Branch for consideration.
The Managing Director Agricultural Finance Corporation

P.O. Box 30367, Nairobi 00100
Tel: 020-317199, 317170,
Fax: 020-219390

Email: info @

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