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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kenya Sugar Research Foundation Jobs: Research Scientist

The Kenya Sugar Research Foundation (KESREF) is a state corporation in the Ministry of Agriculture, with its headquarters at Kibos near Kisumu.

The Foundation is mandated to develop and disseminate appropriate technologies for enhanced productivity, value addition and competitiveness of our sugar sub-sector.

KESREF wishes to recruit qualified and experienced individual to the following vacant position.

Research Scientist (CIS Specialist)
1 Post

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Build a central CIS database from the different available data sources in KESREF and other national institutions.
  • Develop and implement systems and mechanisms for providing geo-referenced data to the Foundation scientists and the sugar industry players and stakeholders.
  • Conceptualize the demands of the sugar industry and develop decision support tools and maps in liaison with other researchers and stakeholders.
  • Guarantee and ensure the accuracy, compatibility and interoperability of the data layers.
  • Be the contact person / leader in national and international collaboration in research & development projects in the domain of GIS/RS and related decision support tools.
  • Masters degree in any of the following-Geographical Information Science , Geo-Spatial Engineering, Environmental Science, Geography, or Agriculture-related field
  • Excellent and demonstrable knowledge in the following:
  1. Geographical Information Systems (CIS)
  2. Physical bases of spatial remote sensing techniques.
  3. Image processing, especially prthorectification and radiometric corrections techniques.
  • Minimum 3 years of active experience in CIS and / or Remote Sensing projects
  • Open-minded, good leadership capabilities and experience of working in a team setting.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Additional Experiences Required:
  • Use of at least one of the following soft ware: Erdas Imagine, ENVI, GRASS ,ArcGlS, Arclnfo, Maplnfo, QGIS, or equivalent.
  • Use of CIS tools and vector/raster joint handling techniques. Experience with at least one of the following softwares: ArcGIS, Arclnfo, Maplnfo, QGIS, or equivalent.
  • Significant experience in DBMS (MS SQL Server),Oracle, ideally in open source systems (MySQL, PostGreSQL).
  • Experience in agriculture and/or environment fields would be an added advantage.
Interested candidates for any of the above positions who meet the requirements may send their applications and detailed curriculum vitae containing current as well as expected remunerations, names and addresses of three referees and day time telephone contact, with copies of relevant certificates and testimonials to:

The Director
Kenya Sugar Research Foundation
P. O. Box 44-40100

E-mail: director @

So as to reach him not later than 4.00 pm of 12th October 2009

Civil servants and employees of state corporations are required to channel their applications through their Heads of Departments.

Women who meet the above qualifications are especially encouraged to apply

Please Note that Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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