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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

National Environment Management Authority Tender: Consultancy Services for the Development of NEMA’S ICT Policy and Strategy

National Environment Management Authority
Tender No. 045/2009/2010

Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Development of NEMA’S ICT Policy and Strategy

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is the principal Government agency mandated by the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA) No.8 of 1999 to exercise general supervision and co-ordination over all matters relating to the environment and to be the principal instrument of Government in implementation of all policies relating to the environment.

NEMA would like to engage the services of an experienced consultant in the above task. In this regard, we are inviting you, among others to quote for the service.

The contracted consultant is required to help develop the ICT Policy and Strategy document and train selected NEMA staff on information security practices.

Scope of Work:

The scope of the engagement will include, but is not limited to the following:
  • Assessment of NEMA’s ICT environment and procedures
  • Classifying information assets in terms of criticality, sensitivity and confidentiality;
  • Defining the responsibilities of owner, user’s, and custodians of data;
  • Defining the responsibilities for audit and follow-up;
  • Define and document hardware and software use guidelines;
  • Document methods of monitoring and investigating security breaches and unauthorized access attempts;
  • Document procedures for granting and monitoring access privileges and administering terminated or transferred employees;
  • Defining the users’ responsibility for password confidentiality and management;
  • Defining guidelines to help ensure that password usage and management practices are effective;
  • Document electronic communication standards (especially e-mail and internet use);
  • Document guidelines on anti-virus protection; and
  • Document users of their responsibilities for security.
Reports and Time Schedule:
  • The assignment is to be undertaken within a period not exceeding three (3) months from the date of contract/tender award.
Qualification and Experience Requirements
  • The applicants shall be expected to have proven relevant experience in developing policy frameworks with a minimum of three corporate clients in the last five years
  • The lead consultant should be in possession of a first degree with a minimum of three years experience as a lead consultant and trainer (Attach relevant academic and professional qualifications and their detailed curriculum vitae).
  • Provide professional qualifications and experience of the lead consultant and at least one (1) other key consultants( trainers) proposed for the engagement (attach relevant academic and professional qualifications and their detailed curriculum vitae.)
  • Provide company profile and the following statutory (Mandatory) requirements:
  1. Company certificate of registration
  2. PIN
  3. Audited accounts for the last three years
  4. VAT certificate from KRA
  5. Any other relevant details that will enrich the proposed assignment.
  • The degree of responsiveness to all the above requirements will be used to determine the best bidder.
The consultant(s)/consortium of consultants should indicate their professional capability, qualification and experience in undertaking similar assignments.

The applicants shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation of their documents and NEMA will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs.

Completed EOI documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked, “Expression of Interest for the Development of ICT Policy for NEMA Tender No. 045/2009/2010”

Should be deposited in the Tender box at NEMA Head Offices, to be received not later than 11.00 a.m local time on 21st October, 2009 and addressed to:

The Director General,
National Environment Management Authority
Popo Road, Off Mombasa Road,
P.O. Box 67839-00200

Tel: 254 020 605522/601945/608767,

Fax: 254 20 608997

Email: dgnema @

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