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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


OPENING DATE: 20TH February 09 Vacancy NO. K15/02/09

Program description: In Kisumu, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Kenyan Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) have established an epidemiology research program, with a focus in malaria, parasitology, and HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. In addition, the KEMRI/CDC program assists the Ministry of Health TB and HIV program activities within the Health Sector. It is in this mandate that the Program has a vacancy in its GAP Treat ARV study

        Position Description: Assistant Research Officer (1 Position) MR 9 JOG Group M Gross salary pretax P/M Kshs 57,106-69,961

      Location: KEMRI/CDC Project: Kisumu, Kenya

        Reporting to: Nyanza Global AIDS Program (GAP) Care and Treatment Technical Advisor

        Basic Function: Responsible for day-to-day implementation and coordination of one TB/HIV research project

Essential Qualifications

  • Bachelors Degree in public health, social or health sciences;
  • Minimum of 2 years of work experience; 1 year or more in a supervisory position.
  • Interest and experience in public health required.

Desirable Qualities:

  • Excellent and proven written and verbal English; Fluency in Dholuo and Kiswahili an asset.
  • Interest and experience in tuberculosis and/or HIV research and/or coordination of a research project preferred.
  • Experience working within the Ministry of Health infrastructure preferred.
  • General knowledge of epidemiology, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
  • Strong management, organizational, and leadership skills required. Able to operate independently and problem solve quickly is essential. Excellent ability to communicate verbally and in writing, and strong computer skills required.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Complete and prepare all data collection instruments.
  • Participate in the hiring, and direct a team in quality data collection, and supervise data collection in selected districts in Nyanza Province.
  • Work collaboratively with GAP care and treatment and TB/HIV teams, in particular with respect to data collection issues.
  • Work collaboratively with Ministry of Health teams in health facilities in Nyanza Province.
  • Assure data quality is maintained throughout. Ensure data quality and standardization of data collection methods among the data team. Work with data managers.
  • Troubleshoot logistical and technical issues while in the field.
  • Ensure participant privacy and confidentiality is maintained.
  • Follow directions and instructions from supervisors in GAP/Field Station program.
  • Assist with report writing
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by management.

Terms of Employment: A six one year renewable Contract for as per KEMRI scheme of service.

Probation period for the first 3 months. Salary negotiable within grade depending on education, experience and demonstrated competence.

Applications are due no later than 5th March 09

Applications should be addressed to: The Human Resources Manager, KEMRI/CDC Program, P.O. Box 1578, KISUMU or email to recruitment should include the following:

Applications should include the following:

  • Letter of Application
  • Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Three letters of reference with contact telephone numbers
  • Copies of Certificates and Diplomas or transcripts
  • Contact Telephone Number

    Internal candidates interested in applying for this position are strongly advised to access an internal candidate application form available in the CDC Intranet; print and process it through the project managers and attach it before forwarding the application to HR


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