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Monday, April 26, 2010

VSF-Suisse Consultancy to Conduct Organisational and Management Training for SDARF personnel in Unity State, Southern Sudan

1.  Introduction
VSF-Suisse is an International NGO, supporting community based animal health programmes, food aid and food security, rehabilitation and development programmes in the Horn of Africa (HoA) region since 1995.
In Southern Sudan, VSF-Suisse implements projects in Unity, Warrap and Northern Bahr el Ghazal (NBEG) States. VSF Suisse is currently implementing the MARF1/MDTF2 funded LFDP3 Project in Unity State, which runs from 1st February to 31st July 2010.
The overall goal of the project is to facilitate the rapid recovery and restoration of livestock based rural livelihoods of Southern Sudanese agro-pastoralists through improved animal health services delivery system via the public and private sectors.
The results to be achieved by VSF Suisse under the project are:
(i) Enhanced animal health services delivery to livestock keeping communities via community based animal healthcare system and;
(ii) the institutional and human capacity development of SDARF4 and private sector development is supported.
VSF-Suisse wishes to recruit a consultant to facilitate the achievement of some of the activities under Result II.
2. Objectives of the consultancy
Conduct organizational and managerial capacity and training needs assessment (TNA) for Unity State Veterinary Services.
Develop training modules based on the findings of the TNA and conduct organizational and management training for up to 25 SDARF officials (State and county)
Develop formats for monitoring performance of the staff after the training and provide the monitoring frame
The training is aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of participants the management and administration of public veterinary services.
Specifically the participants shall be enabled to improve their skills, among other areas in:
  • Project Cycle Management
  • General administration
  • Personnel administration
  • Financial management
  • Procurement and management of public resources
  • Report writing
  • PR/Liaison, coordination and networking
  • Resolving conflicts at work
3. Suggested Methodology
  • Literature review of project documents (proposal, reports and other relevant project documents, GOSS/MARF policy documents).
  • Interviews with: key project staff- e.g. project managers, project staff, local authorities, MARF at GOSS5, State and County levels, partner NGOs, UN agencies, beneficiaries and other stakeholders
  • Field visits to observe and examine local community based animal health actors at work- skills, relationship with livestock producers and their supervision and reporting capacities
  • Feedback sessions with stakeholders to validate findings and get input for the design of training and other capacity development programmes
  • Preparation of training modules and conduct the training
  • The consultant will be required to make the training as practical as possible and to use adult learning techniques when carrying out the training.
4. Expected Outputs
  • Capacity and training needs for State and County level SDARF to fulfil their mandate is established
  • Current organizational, management and coordination structures of the SDARF is assessed and gaps identified;
  • A training report, including the capacity and TNAs, with feasible recommendations for follow-up (including the specific results of this training and an evaluation of the training. The consultant should propose formats and a monitoring frame for follow-up.
  • Handouts and learning materials for all participants.
5. Work plan
The consultancy will last not more than 16 days (i.e. desk review, capacity and TNAs, training module preparation, training and reporting) and will be conducted from the third week of May 2010. Itinerary details will be worked out with selected consultant(s). The tentative work plan is as follows: TNA-3 days; training module preparation-2 days; training-4 days; traveling-5 days (air and ground), finalization of report -2 days.
6. Budget
VSF-Suisse will cover costs related to travel, food and accommodation to and within Sudan as well as cost for travel permit. Selected consultant will provide his/her passport and 2 passport photographs for processing the travel permit as well as ensure all necessary vaccinations (especially yellow fever and meningitis) are done. The consultant will be paid upon receipt of a satisfactory report.
Interested consultants should prepare and submit to VSF-Suisse both technical and financial proposal for the assignment by 7th May 2010. VSF-Suisse is not obliged to offer the job to the lowest bidder.

VSF Suisse, Olekejuado Road , P. O. Box 25656, Nairobi, Kenya 00603
Or: Plot No. AX111, Block 131 Off Stadium Road, Opposite the Old Cemetery,
Hai Malakal, Juba, Southern Sudan

E mail:

1Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries
2Multi-Donor Trust Fund
3Livestock and Fisheries Development Project
4State Directorate of Animal Resources and Fisheries
5Government of Southern Sudan

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