- Associate Professor, Geomorhpology – Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
- Lecturer, Haematology and Blood Transfusion Unit – Department of Human Pathology
- Lecturer – Department of Paediatric and Child Health
- Chief Technologist – Department of Real Estate and Construction Management
- Tutorial Fellow – Department of Medical Microbiology
- Tutorial Fellow – Environmental Law Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP)
- Audiovisual Technologist – Department of Surgery
- Examination Secretary (Academic Division) – Central Administration
- Technologist – Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine
- Administrator – Principal’s Office, College of Health Sciences
- Assistant Secretary – Applied Human Nutrition Unit
- Junior Technologist – Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy
Associate Professor, Geomorhpology
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
AC/4/56/10 (R&T) (1 Post)
Applicants must be holders of a PhD in the following areas: Dynamic Geomorphology, Structural Geomorphology, Climatic Geomorphology and applied Geomorphology.
Applicants should have a minimum of eight (8) years teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, three (3) years of which must have been at Senior lecturer level. In addition, candidates should have a minimum of five (5) publications in refereed journals or three (3) journal articles and two (2) book chapters in scholarly books since the last promotion.
Applicants must have supervised at least two (2) PhD and three (3) masters’ students to completion. They should show evidence of continuing research activities.
Lecturer, Haematology and Blood Transfusion Unit
Department of Human Pathology
AC/04/57/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
Applicants must have a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) or equivalent and at least a Masters of Medicine in human Pathology (M.Med. Path.) or equivalent as approved by the Senate of the University of Nairobi.
In addition, must be registered or is registrable by the Kenya Medical and Dentists practioners Board. Evidence or pursuing a higher degree, and research in Haematology and Blood Transfusion and related discipline will have an added advantage.
Applicants are expected to have three (3) years teaching experience at University level and a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed journal or two (2) chapters in scholarly books since last promotion
The successful candidate will be required to provide teaching to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, conduct research and provide clinical services at the Kenyatta National hospital.
Department of Paediatric and Child Health
AC/04/58/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
Applicants should posses a basic qualification in Medicine (MBChB or equivalent) with an MMed. Degree in Paediatrics or equivalent from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. In addition, applicants should have Sub-Specialty training in Paediatric Critical Care.
Applicants are expected to have three (3) years teaching experience at University level and a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed journal or two (2) chapters in scholarly books since last promotion
Successful applicants will be expected to teach undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervise dissertations, conduct research as well as participate in providing clinical services at the Kenyatta National Hospital.
Chief Technologist
Department of Real Estate and Construction Management
AC/4/59/10 (CAE) (1 Post)
Applicants should have a Masters Degree in one of the following: Construction Management or, Quantity Survey or Land Economics or Housing Administration, Building Management, Valuation and Property Management or civil Engineering or related fields.
In addition, they must have five (5) years experience at the level of Senior Technologist
A Bachelor’s Degree in any of the courses listed above or Higher National Diploma plus seven (7) years’ experience as senior Technologist. The successful candidate will be required to co-ordinate technical and teaching activities, assist undergraduate and post graduate students in studio and practical work, maintain equipment, procure materials and demonstrate to students the use equipment, tools and materials.
Tutorial Fellow
Department of Medical Microbiology
AC/4/60/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
Applicants should have a basic qualification in MB; ChB or its equivalent or Master of Science degree in Medical Microbiology, or its equivalent, from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate.
Those with interest in furthering their academic career in Parasitological with at least one (1) year previous experience in teaching and research will be considered.
Successful applicants will be expected to register for a PhD degree programme in the sub-specialty of microbiology, give lecturers to undergraduate students, carry out research and participate in routine diagnostic work at Kenyatta National Hospital
Tutorial Fellow
Environmental Law Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP)
AC/4/61/10 (CHSS) (1 Post)
Applicants should be holders of Masters Degree in law form university of Nairobi or any other University recognized by Senate of University of Nairobi. The candidate must have a fully prepared theses proposal for PhD Degree in one of the following fields of Environment law particularly Land use, Water resources including Transboundary Waters, access to Environmental Justice, Marine Environmental Law, etc.
The qualifying candidate should show evidence of offer of admission to a doctoral degree programme.
CASELAP may also nominate an exceptional candidate to any programme available to it.
The candidates should demonstrate how much time they need to complete the Ph.D.
This is a staff development position and the qualifying candidate is expected to pursue career of scholarship in Environmental Law at CASELAP. Appointment will be on a two year contract and may be renewed once on condition that satisfactory progress towards completion of Ph.D is demonstrated.
Audiovisual Technologist
Grade DEF,
Department of Surgery
AD/04/68/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
Applicants should have a KCSE Grade C or above and Higher Diploma in Electronics or equivalent qualification, BSc. Degree will be an added advantage. He/she should have at least two (2) years experience in audiovisual industry covering operation, trouble shooting and repair of equipment. He or she should have the ability of setting an AV within a short period as well as switching, distributing scaling and archiving of professional audio and video signals. Literacy in PC hardware and software is mandatory.
Examination Secretary
Grade C/D (Academic Division)
Central Administration
AD/04/69/10 (R&T) (1 Post)
Applicants should be holders of at least a second class honours (Lower Division) degree from recognized University. In addition, they should have a credit in English Language at KCSE. They should have sat and passed in the following subjects offered by Kenya National Examinations Council or an equivalent certificate from a recognized body;
- Business English III
- Commerce II
- Secretarial Duties II
- Office Management III
- Shorthand (minimum 120 wpm) or Audio-Typing III
- Typewriting 50 wpm
They should have three (3) years experience as Secretary Grade B or a comparable position of responsibility for the grade. They should have knowledge of anti-Virus tools.
Successful candidates will be expected to demonstrate maturity, high level of integrity, maintain confidentiality of examinations and work under minimum supervision.
Please note that this is a two year contract renewable through mutual agreement.
Grade ABC
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine
AD/04/70/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
The applicant should be a holder of KCSE grade C+ or above. He/she should have training in any of the following: Clinical Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Technology or Occupational therapy. Knowledge of operating room techniques, data processing and computer literacy will be an advantage.
The successful candidate will be expected to run a dry laboratory for Orthopaedic workshops, assist lecturers in data collection and other research activities in the department. He/she will also be responsible for clerical and material acquisition. He/she will report to the chairman of the department.
Grade AB,
Principal’s Office, College of Health Sciences
AD/04/71/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
Applicants should have holders of a Bachelor’s (at least lower 2nd class Honors degree from a recognized university.
They should also be computer literate.
Assistant Secretary
Grade A
Applied Human Nutrition Unit
AD/4/72/10 (CAVS) (1 Post)
Applicants should be holders of KCSE Mean Grade C or KCE Div. III or an equivalent qualification with a Credit in English Language. In addition, they must have sat and passed the following subjects examined by the Kenya National Examinations Council or an equivalent examining body:
- Business English II
- Commerce II
- Secretarial Duties II
- Office Management III
- Shorthand II (minimum 80 wpm) or Audio-typing III
- Typewriting 50 wpm
Junior Technologist
Grade IV
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy
AD/4/73/10 (CHS) (1 Post)
Applicants should have at least a KCE division III or certificate or KCSE grade C- (minus) or it equivalent. They must also be in possession of a certificate in Science Laboratory Technology from a recognized Institution. They must have at least three (3) years experience in a Pharmacology or Pharmacognosy teaching /research Institution.
In addition they must be computer literate and have experience in the care of laboratory Animals. Applicants must be ready to work over weekends and public holidays in Animal house.
1. Applicants for academic posts (AC) should forward ten (10) copies of their application letters accompanied by a similar number of certified copies of certificates and C.V.s giving details of their qualifications, experience, research activities and publications appear in. Applicants for non-academic posts (AD) should submit seven (7) copies of the above supporting documents and application letter.
2. In both cases, applications and related documents should be forwarded through the applicants’ heads of departments and applicants should state their current designations and salaries and other benefits attached to those designations. They should quote post reference codes as shown for each posts in the advertisement.
Applications should be addressed as per the codes below:-
- CHS The Principal, CHS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
- CAVS The Principal, CAVS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
- CAE The Principal, CAE, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
- CHSS The Principal, CHSS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
- R&T The Deputy Registrar, (R&T), Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
Closing Date: May 14, 2010.
For more details, please visit our web on http://jobs.uonbi.ac.ke
University of Nairobi is an equal opportunity employer