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Friday, April 9, 2010

South Eastern University College - A Constituent College of the University of Nairobi

The South Eastern University College (SEUCO) is located in a serene setting about 17 kms off Kwa Vonza along the main Machakos-Kitui road.

The University College has vacancies for the positions listed below:
A. University Teaching Positions
1. School of Dryland Agriculture, Science and Technology

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer in the departments listed below.
Department of Plant Sciences
Areas of specialization: Crop Science, Soil Science, Crop Protection, Plant and Crop Physiology, Plant Breeding, Horticulture, Crop Production, Biotechnology, Agronomy, Dryland Farming Systems.
Department of Agribusiness
Areas of specialization: Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Agricultural Marketing, Range Economics, Finance and Banking, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Management Science, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Quantitative Analysis, Entrepreneurship, Procurement and Logistics, Supplies Chain Management, Business Administration, Public Administration.
Department of Agricultural Processing
Areas of specialization: Food Science, Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Food Processing, Food Technology, Process and Food Engineering, Applied Human Nutrition, Community Nutrition, Community Health, Nutritional Epidemiology, Postharvest Physiology, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Food Biotechnology, Farm Power and Machinery, Structures Engineering, Hydrology, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Mechanics of Machines , Agricultural Process Engineering.
2. School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer in the departments listed below.
Department of Physical and Biological Sciences
Areas of Specialization: Botany, Zoology, Natural Resource Management, Parasitology, Entomology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Physics, Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Biochemistry, Statistics, Chemistry, Limnology, Marine Biology, Conservation Biology, Economic Botany, Apiculture, Department of Computing, Informatics, Actuarial Science.
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Areas of Specialization: International Studies, Sociology, Communication Skills, Community Development, Linguistics, Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Development Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Project Planning and Development, Development Economics.
Department of Computing, Informatics and Space Science

Areas of Specialization: Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Management Systems, Computer Technology.
3. School of Earth Sciences

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer in the departments listed below.
Department of Geological Sciences
Areas of specialization: Economic Geology, Paleontology/Stratigraphy, Exploration Geophysics/Geochemistry, Mining Geology, Engineering Geology, Photogeology and Remote Sensing, GIST.
Department of Geography and Meteorology
Areas of specialization: Dynamic Meteorology, Agrometeorology, Synoptic Meteorology, Hydrometeorology, Air Pollution Meteorology, Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Climatology, Numerical Weather Prediction, Physical and Environmental Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology, Remote Sensing and Satellite Meteorology.
Department of Mineral Resources and Mining Technology
Areas of specialization: Mineralogy/Petrology, Mining Engineering, Mineral Processing, Mining Technology, Mining Geology.
4. School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer in the departments listed below.
Department of Environmental Science and Technology
Areas of Specialization: Environmental Engineering.
Department of Forestry Resources Management
Areas of Specialization: Forestry, Forestry Economics, Forestry Resources Management.
5. School of Water Resources and Irrigation Technology

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer in the departments listed below.
Department of Hydrology and Water Management
Areas of Specialization: Irrigation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Water Resources Management, Water Technology and Supply.
Grade 15
Applicants for this position must:
  • Be holders of an earned Ph.D. degree from a recognized university in any of the areas of specialization listed under the respective departments.
  • Have at least ten (10) years teaching experience at a recognized university five (5) of which must be as an Associate Professor.
  • Have at least five (5) papers published in peer-refereed journals and/or at least three (3) papers and three (3) chapters in scholarly books in the applicant’s area of specialization since appointment as Associate Professor.
  • Show evidence of, continued research activities, and attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Have supervised postgraduate students at both Ph.D. and Master’s levels.
  • Demonstrate good leadership skills and proven ability to establish linkages and attract research funds.
Associate Professor 
Grade 14
Applicants for this position must:
  • Be holders of an earned Ph.D. degree from a recognized university in any of the areas of specialization listed under the respective departments.
  • Have at least three (3) years teaching experience at a recognized university as a Senior Lecturer.
  • Have five (5) papers published in peer-refereed journals or at least two (2) university level books in the applicant’s area of specialization since appointment as Senior Lecturer.
  • Show evidence of continued research, attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Have supervised postgraduate students.
  • Demonstrate good leadership skills and proven ability to establish linkages and attract research funds.
Senior Lecturer 
Grade 13
Applicants for this position must:
  • Be holders of an earned Ph.D. degree from a recognized university in any of the areas of specialization listed under the respective departments and with at least five (5) years of full time teaching experience at a recognized university.
  • Have at least 3 articles published in referred journals or at least one (1) referred relevant university level book in the candidate’s area of specialization and published by recognized publishers plus one (1) article in a refereed journal since appointment as lecturer.
  • Show evidence of continued research, attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Show evidence of active participation in department activities and good quality teaching.
  • Demonstrate ability to supervise postgraduate students.
Grade 12
Applicants for this position must:
  • Be holders of an earned Ph.D. degree from a recognized university in any of the areas of specialization listed under the respective departments or have successfully defended their Ph.D. theses.
  • Applicants with Master’s degree from a recognized university in any of the areas of specialization listed under the respective department who have presented at least three (3) seminar papers or have two (2) publications in refereed journals or a relevant university level book by a reputable publisher, have at least three (3) years full time teaching experience at a recognized universities as Tutorial Fellows or Assistant Lecturers, have registered for Ph.D. degree and have shown evidence of active participation in departmental/school activities and good quality teaching will also be considered.
Assistant Lecturer 
Grade 11
Applicants for this position must:
  • Have a relevant first degree and Master’s degree from a recognized university in any of the areas of specialization listed under the respective departments.
  • This is a training position and those who have registered for Ph.D. degree and shown progress and have parttime teaching experience in a recognized university will have an added advantage.
NB: Those who responded to the 26th August 2009 advertisement for the post of Assistant Lecturer in all the Schools need not apply again except for the new areas of specialization advertised here or have attained a higher degree since then.
(B) Technical Staff

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the posts of Senior Technologist (EF), Technologist (CD), Technologist (AB) and Junior Technologists (III/IV) in the various departments in the following areas: Geology, Meteorology, Food Chemistry, Food Processing, Food Microbiology, Plant Physiology, Animal Science, Crop Production, Horticulture, Water Analysis, Agricultural Engineering (Farm Power and Structures), Water Engineering, Water Analysis, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Statistics, Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Technology, Animal Physiology, Range Management, Food Technology, Taxonomy, Human Nutrition, Soil Science.
Senior Technologist 
Grade EF

Applicants must be holders of at least a Masters degree in the relevant discipline or equivalent.

Those with relevant first degree or Higher National Diploma and at least three (3) or five (5) years related work experience at a university setting or other public institutions, respectively will also be considered.
Grade CD

Applicants must be holders of at least a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant discipline or equivalent.

Those with relevant Ordinary Diploma or Higher National Diploma and at least six (6) or three (3) years related work experience at a university setting or other public institutions, respectively will also be considered.
Grade AB

Applicants must be holders of at least an Ordinary Diploma in the relevant discipline or equivalent.

Those with related work experience at a university setting or other public institutions will have an added advantage.
Laboratory Assistants/Junior Technologists 
Grade III/IV

Applicants must have at least KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) or equivalent qualification.

In addition, they must have a certificate in Laboratory Sciences or closely related discipline.

Those with working experience in academic laboratories will have an added advantage.
Laboratory Attendants 
Grade II

Applicants must have at least KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) or equivalent qualification.

In addition, they must have obtained a minimum of grade C- (minus) in the relevant science subjects.
(C) Finance Department
Senior Accountant II 
Grade 12
Applicants must:
  • Have a B.Com or equivalent with Accounting option,
  • An MBA or its equivalent
  • Be CPA (K) and have membership to a professional accountancy body.
  • Have shown merit and ability in accounting over a period of at least three (3) years as an Accountant Grade EF or a similar position in the public or private sector after attaining their MBA or its equivalent.
  • Be computer literate in word processing, data base management and spread sheets.
Internal Auditor
Grade 12
Applicants must:
  • Have a B.Com or equivalent with Accounting option,
  • An MBA or its equivalent
  • Be CPA (K) and have membership to a professional accountancy body.
  • Have shown merit and ability in auditing over a period of at least three (3) years as an Accountant Grade EF or a similar position in the public or private sector after attaining their MBA or its equivalent.
  • Have shown merit and ability in accounting/auditing
  • Be computer literate in word processing, data base management and spread sheets.
(D) Library Department
Grade 12

Applicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Library and Information Sciences.

In addition, applicants must have at least three (3) years professional experience after acquiring their Master’s degree. Evidence of ICT working knowledge is a must. Those with experience working in academic libraries or other large institution libraries will have an added advantage.

The successful candidate will be expected to manage and train staff at the University College Library.
Library Assistant 
Grade AB

Applicants must have at least KCSE Mean Grade C (plain) or equivalent qualification. In addition, they must have an Ordinary Diploma in Library and Information Science or closely related discipline. Those with working experience in a busy academic library will have an added advantage. They must be computer literate.
Library Attendants 
Grade III/IV

Applicants must have at least KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) or equivalent qualification. In addition, they must have a certificate in Library and Information Science, Library Studies/Science or closely related discipline. Those with years working experience in a busy academic library will have an added advantage. They must be computer literate.
(E) Dean of Students Office
Student Counsellor 
Grade EF

Applicants must be holders of at least a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology or equivalent. Those with a relevant first degree and at least three (3) years post-qualification related work experience at a university setting or other public institutions will also be considered.

Applicants with training or education background and experience in designing and conducting training programs for the holistic development of youth will have an added advantage.

Applicants are expected to be computer literate with good written, and oral 
communication and interpersonal skills among others.
Assistant Student Counsellor 
Grade CD

Applicants must be holders of at least a Bachelor’s degree in Counseling Psychology or closely related discipline.

Those with experience working with youth and/or have relevant work experience at a university setting or other public institutions will have an added advantage.

Applicants with training or education background and experience in designing and conducting training programs for the holistic development of youth will have an added advantage.

Applicants are expected to be computer literate with good written, and oral communication and interpersonal skills among others.
(F) Estates Department
Quantity Surveyor 
Grade 12
Applicants must:
  • Be in possession of a Bachelors Degree in Building Economics or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.
  • Be registered by the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors of Kenya. Have thorough knowledge of computing, have shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance results and
  • A minimum of three (3) years working experience since graduation.
(G) University College Farm
Assistant Farm Manager 
Grade CD

Applicants must be holders of at least a Bachelor’s degree in General Agriculture or closely related discipline.

Those with training and/or working experience in crop production and animal production with respect to dryland farming systems will have an added advantage.

The successful applicants will be expected to manage the University College Farm and participate in conducting training activities at the farm both for students and the community.
Farm Assistants 
Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of at least a certificate in agricultural sciences or closely related discipline.

Those with training and/or working experience in crop production and animal production with respect to dryland farming systems will have an added advantage.

The successful applicants will be expected to assist in training activities at the farm both for students and the community.

Applicants should submit ten (10) copies of their application letter with a similar number of a detailed C.V. and academic (including KCSE/KCE) and professional certificates.

They should indicate their current salary, allowances and other benefits and addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees.

Applications and related documents should be forwarded through the applicant’s respective head of department. Please quote the post reference code as shown for each post in the advertisement.

Applicants are requested to send confidential recommendation letters from their referees along with the other application documents. For the teaching positions, the applicants are requested to indicate clearly the School, Department and their area of specialization.

Applications should be sent to:-

The Principal
South Eastern University College
P. O. Box 170-90200,

The applications should reach the Principal’s Office on or before 22nd April 2010.

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008