The African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF) is a research, data resource, reflection and policy debate institution devoted to the resolution of the governance and development issues confronting policy-makers and societies in the East African Community (EAC) and the Great Lakes Region.
It links scholars, researchers, opinion leaders and public service functionaries to interact and share ideas. The Forum also facilitates the evolution of a regional community of scholars, activists and institutions, with a shared interest in resolving inter-African development problems.
Closing date: 16 Apr 2010
Location: Kenya - Nairobi
ARRF implements activities in five programme areas namely;
i) Policy Dialogue and Public Interface
ii) Networking of Policy Institutions
iii) Research
iv) Associate Fellowship
v) Knowledge Management: Under this program, ARRF operates a modern resource centre offering print material and online access to world-class journals in the areas of economics, governance and international development.
We have the latest as well as classical publications in these areas. Graduate students, policymakers in and out of government, researchers/ analysts and academics are welcome to register to use the facility. Priority is given to citizens of the EAC.
The Sabbatical Programme
ARRF announces two (2) Sabbaticals for the year 2010 as detailed below:
Number of positions : Two (2) - one for each theme
Duration of Sabbaticals : Three (3) months
Purpose of Sabbaticals : To conduct applied research (mainly desk-analysis with limited travel) leading to policy recommendations, with emphasis on regional dimensions at the EAC level, in the following areas:
i) Natural Resource Exploration and Management in the EAC
It links scholars, researchers, opinion leaders and public service functionaries to interact and share ideas. The Forum also facilitates the evolution of a regional community of scholars, activists and institutions, with a shared interest in resolving inter-African development problems.
Closing date: 16 Apr 2010
Location: Kenya - Nairobi
ARRF implements activities in five programme areas namely;
i) Policy Dialogue and Public Interface
ii) Networking of Policy Institutions
iii) Research
iv) Associate Fellowship
v) Knowledge Management: Under this program, ARRF operates a modern resource centre offering print material and online access to world-class journals in the areas of economics, governance and international development.
We have the latest as well as classical publications in these areas. Graduate students, policymakers in and out of government, researchers/ analysts and academics are welcome to register to use the facility. Priority is given to citizens of the EAC.
The Sabbatical Programme
ARRF announces two (2) Sabbaticals for the year 2010 as detailed below:
Number of positions : Two (2) - one for each theme
Duration of Sabbaticals : Three (3) months
Purpose of Sabbaticals : To conduct applied research (mainly desk-analysis with limited travel) leading to policy recommendations, with emphasis on regional dimensions at the EAC level, in the following areas:
i) Natural Resource Exploration and Management in the EAC
- Several countries in the EAC are engaged in exploration of natural resources, especially oil and natural gases with varied degrees of success.
- In some countries, policies for the management of these resources are under development.
- These are happening in the context of significant milestones in regional integration. Research and analysis under the sabbatical will focus on the impact of these activities on national and regional development trajectories and the integration process.
ii) The Progress, Challenges and Prospects of Regional Integration in the EAC
- Since the signing of the treaty establishing the EAC in 1999, the Community has not only expanded membership to include Rwanda & Burundi, but also made the leaps through successive stages of integration to achieve the recently signed protocol for a Common Market.
- These developments have faced challenges including, among others, structural issues in policy harmonization and limited public education on regional integration.
- The sabbatical will support analysis and policy recommendations that aim at addressing lacunas in national and regional policies that could hinder the realization of objectives in the current and future integration stages.
The sabbatical programmme is open to middle level to senior professionals and researchers from policy research institutes, academic institutions and other relevant organizations in the five (5) countries of the EAC. Applications from individuals without institutional affiliations will also be considered.
Eligibility Criteria:
The sabbatical programmme is open to middle level to senior professionals and researchers from policy research institutes, academic institutions and other relevant organizations in the five (5) countries of the EAC. Applications from individuals without institutional affiliations will also be considered.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Be a citizen or official resident of an EAC member state.
- Hold a postgraduate degree in a relevant field.
- Have not less than two (2) years of work experience related to the proposed field of study.
- Those in full-time employment should show proof of their employer’s acceptance to release them for the programme.
Benefits of the Sabbatical
- Opportunity to present research progress and findings at seminars organized by ARRF and partner institutions;
- Research reports will be published by ARRF and disseminated to a wide range of users and potential beneficiaries;
- ARRF will meet the costs of travel, accommodation and medical insurance for selected researchers and provide a modest subsistence allowance for the duration of the programme.
How to apply
How to applyPlease submit the following materials to the Chief Executive Officer of ARRF:
How to applyPlease submit the following materials to the Chief Executive Officer of ARRF:
- Application letter, indicating the research area applied for.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopies of academic certificates and testimonials
- Two letters of reference to be sent directly to ARRF; preferably from a current or previous academic supervisor and employer.
- Brief (maximum 4 pages, double spaced) research proposal on selected theme with a clear workplan.
- A letter from employer supporting a candidates leave of absence, where applicable.
The Chief Executive Officer
African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF)
Hse No. 305, Mt. View Estate, Off Waiyaki Way
P. O. Box 57103-00200 Nairobi, Kenya
The deadline for receiving applications is April 5, 2010.