The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to recruit self motivated and qualified Professionals for Vacant Positions listed Below.
Descriptions of these Vacancies and their Requirements are outlined here below:
1. Senior Deputy Secretary (Test Development)
KNEC Scale EC 15
The Senior Deputy Secretary, will head the Department of Test Development and will report to the Chief Executive.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Descriptions of these Vacancies and their Requirements are outlined here below:
1. Senior Deputy Secretary (Test Development)
KNEC Scale EC 15
The Senior Deputy Secretary, will head the Department of Test Development and will report to the Chief Executive.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Preparing estimates of expenditure in the department; overall programming and coordinating the development of question papers for school and post school examinations;
- Organizing and coordinating all Test Development activities in KNEC including examination subject panels, involvement of Test Development Officers in the review and development of curriculum and ensuring professional quality production of examination papers for all examinations;
- Supervising the writing of reports on candidates' performance for all the examinations as well as follow up of the decisions of the Awards Committees and Panels;
- Dealing with curriculum matters; keeping abreast with new developments and innovations on examination development.
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- At least Masters Degree in Education or equivalent qualification plus at least 15 years experience handling examinations administration in education particularly in reputable educational institutions 9 years of which should be in a Deputy Secretary level or at Job Group Q and above;
- Evidence of being well grounded in the theory and practice of educational measurement and evaluation as well as theory of curriculum development;
2. Chief Accountant
KNEC Scale EC 12
The Chief Accountant will report to a head of Section in Finance Division.
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 12
The Chief Accountant will report to a head of Section in Finance Division.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Continuous monitoring of Council Revenue Generation/ Expenditure;
- Organization, management, control and coordination of routine and non routine accounting functions;
- Interpretation of financial policies;
- Budgeting and management accounting and financial returns;
- Preparing revised estimates, statistical reports, financial audits and tax returns.
Qualifications and Experience:
- At least Bachelors degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option) or its equivalent from a recognized University with at least 9 (nine) years experience. Possession of a Masters Degree and CPA (K) will be an added advantage;
- Sound knowledge of financial management, budgeting, accounting and resource mobilization;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
3. Chief Internal Auditor
KNEC Scale EC 12
The Chief Internal Auditor will report to the Council Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 12
The Chief Internal Auditor will report to the Council Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be in charge of the overall operations and programmes of the Internal Audit Unit;
- Continuous development and review of audit systems/ plans for monitoring, evaluation and reporting of internal quality control systems for efficient Council operations;
- Formulation of risk assessment procedures and operations in the Council;
- Developing and implementing Audit programs and also Performing post-audit reviews and actioning audit plans;
- Preparation of timely and accurate audit reports and also initiating the annual stock taking exercise;
- Ensuring compliance with existing regulations, instructions and procedures of financial and other Council operations;
- Liaison with external auditors for objective external audit.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least Bachelors degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option) or its equivalent from a recognized University and CPA (K) with at least 9 (nine) years experience.
- Possession of a Masters Degree and relevant experience will be an added advantage;
- Applicants with additional relevant professional qualification in Audit will have an added advantage.
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in computer applications in audit will be an added advantage.
4. Senior Human Resources Officer
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will report to the head of Salary Administration, Benefits and Personnel Information section in Human Resources Management Division
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will report to the head of Salary Administration, Benefits and Personnel Information section in Human Resources Management Division
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Implementing the Council's HRM policies;
- Coordinating recruitment procedures, induction of new employees and Payroll Management;
- Generation and preparation of monthly/annual payroll reports or as required;
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- Bachelors degree in Social Sciences such as Government, Sociology, Economics, Public/Business Administration, Human Resources Management OR equivalent qualifications;
- A Masters Degree in Human Resource Management or a Masters in Business Administration in Human Resource Management will be an added advantage;
- Served in the grade of a Human Resource Officer I or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of (6) six years;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications in HRM.
5. Senior Administrative Officer
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will report and be answerable to the Principal Administrative Officer in General Administration Division
Duties and Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will report and be answerable to the Principal Administrative Officer in General Administration Division
Duties and Responsibilities
- Carry out routine administrative tasks, which include organization and Coordination of registry services. Control and distribution and supervision of drivers, telephone operators, messengerial and support staff;
- General arrangements of office accommodation, equipment and supplies and related services;
- Preparation of monthly statements for all administrative issues in the Council.
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- At least Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences or equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution. A Masters Degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Administration from a recognized Institution will be an added advantage;
- Served in the grade of a Administrative Officer I or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of (6) six years OR (6) six years relevant experience in Administration in a similar organization;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
6. Manuscript Secretary I
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will be reporting to a Head of Section in the Manuscripts Division.
Key Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will be reporting to a Head of Section in the Manuscripts Division.
Key Responsibilities
- Typing Confidential Examinations materials and coordination of the professional activities of Manuscript Secretaries;
- Receiving manuscripts, proof reading them at every stage, typesetting, approving proofs, security storage, retrieval and receiving machine copies and production.
Qualifications and Experience Required
- At least Bachelors Degree in Education (Business Studies) or Computer Science from a recognized university but with a teaching experience of not less than 6 (six) years;
- Have served as a Manuscript Secretary II for a minimum period of three (3) years and have displayed maturity in work performance with considerable professional and administrative experience. A Masters Degree in Education from a recognized university will be an added advantage;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications as well as typewriting skills.
7. Senior Personal Secretary
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will be reporting to a head of Division/ Department.
Key Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 11
The Officer at this level will be reporting to a head of Division/ Department.
Key Responsibilities:
- Typing executive and customer correspondence and preparation of proposals, reports, data and research material as assigned;
- Performing standard office procedures including scheduling appointments, processing mail, answering telephones and ordering supplies;
- Filing and retrieving records and correspondence and keeping sensitive material confidential;
- Basic administrative work and general office management.
Qualifications and Experience:
- Have KCSE Mean Grade C- or its equivalent;
- Have passed the following subjects offered by the KNEC:
- Business English III
- Typewriting III (50 wpm),
- Commerce II
- At least Bachelors Degree in Secretarial Studies/ Business Studies/Office Management or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution OR Posses a KNEC Diploma/Higher Diploma in Secretarial studies or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution with 6 (six) years minimum experience; OR have served in the grade of a Personal Secretary I for a minimum period of 3 (three) Years;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in computer applications (Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Database Management) from recognized institutions.
8. Assistant Examinations Secretary (Information Communication Technology)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The successful candidate will be reporting to the Head of Section, Business Management Studies Examinations.
Key Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 10
The successful candidate will be reporting to the Head of Section, Business Management Studies Examinations.
Key Responsibilities
- Organizing, guiding and monitoring the development of Information Communication Technology examination papers.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least Bachelor of Education or its equivalent specializing in Information Communication Technology/Computer Studies or Bachelors degree with specialization in Information Communication Technology/Computer Studies and Diploma in Education.
- A minimum of six (6) years teaching experience in a recognized post school institution at a level of Job Group L and above or its equivalent in the Government or TSC.
- Relevant higher qualifications and experience will be an added advantage.
- Must have participated in KNEC activities, especially marking and/or setting and moderation;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
9. Assistant Examinations Secretary (Business Management)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The successful candidate will be reporting to the Head of Section, Business Management Studies Examinations.
Key Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 10
The successful candidate will be reporting to the Head of Section, Business Management Studies Examinations.
Key Responsibilities
- Organizing, guiding and monitoring the development of Business Management examination papers.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least Bachelor of Education or its equivalent specializing in Business Studies or Bachelors degree with specialization in Business Management and Diploma in Education;
- A minimum of six (6) years teaching experience in a recognized post school institution at rf level of Job Group L and above or its equivalent in the Government or TSC;
- Relevant higher qualifications and experience will be an added advantage;
- Must have participated in KNEC activities, especially marking and/or setting and moderation;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
10. Assistant Examinations Secretary (Supply Chain Management)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The successful candidate will be reporting to the Head of Section, Business Management Studies Examinations.
Key Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 10
The successful candidate will be reporting to the Head of Section, Business Management Studies Examinations.
Key Responsibilities
- Organizing, guiding and monitoring the development of Procurement/Supply Chain Management examination papers.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least Bachelor of Education or its equivalent specializing in Economics/Business Studies and Post Graduate qualification in Procurement/Supply Chain Management or Bachelors degree with specialization in Procurement/Supply Chain Management and Diploma in Education.
- A minimum of six (6) years teaching experience in a recognized post school institution at a level of Job Group L and above or its equivalent in the Government or TSC.
- Relevant higher qualifications and experience will be an added advantage.
- Must have participated in KNEC activities, especially marking and/or setting and moderation.
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
11. Machine Maintenance Supervisor (Pre-Press and Production)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The officer at this level will report to the head of section, Pre-Press and Production, in Reprographics and Manuscript Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 10
The officer at this level will report to the head of section, Pre-Press and Production, in Reprographics and Manuscript Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Overall responsibility is printing work as well as quality control and ensuring timely production;
- Ensuring equipment and staff in printing section are fully utilized;
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- At least a KNEC Higher National Diploma in Printing;
- Must have a minimum of six (6) years experience three (3) of which should be as a supervisor in a busy printing establishment;
- Ability to operate finish equipment such as offset printing machines;
- Should have proficient knowledge of computer applications.
12. Examinations Secretary (Graphic Designer)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report to a head of Section in the Reprographics and Manuscripts Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report to a head of Section in the Reprographics and Manuscripts Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Being in charge of graphic production and other related operations for School and Post School Examinations;
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- At least Bachelor of Arts in Education (Graphic Design) or equivalent from a recognized institution;
- At least Six (6) years relevant experience graphic design, three (3) of which should be in Computer Graphical Illustration, Page Design and Layout;
- Must demonstrate evidence of practical skills in Adobe in Design;
- Experience in drawing and design from technical learning institution will be an added advantage.
13. Examinations Secretary (Printer)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report and be answerable to a head of Section in the Reprographics and Manuscripts Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report and be answerable to a head of Section in the Reprographics and Manuscripts Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Being in charge of planning and coordinating the Schools and Post Schools Examinations activities in the Reprographics Division.
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- At least a Bachelors degree in Education (Science) degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, plus at least six (6) years relevant experience in a relevant area;
- Have served satisfactorily as an Examinations Secretary or Equivalent position for at least three (3) years in an Education Institution.
- Evidence of knowledge in printing as well as proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications will be an added advantage.
14. Examinations Secretary (Packaging and Dispatch)
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report and be answerable to a head of Section in the Reprographics and Manuscripts Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report and be answerable to a head of Section in the Reprographics and Manuscripts Department.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Being in charge of planning and coordinating the packaging and dispatch of Schools and Post Schools Examinations related activities and materials in the Reprographics Division;
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- Should have proficient knowledge in Computer Applications;
- At least a Bachelors degree in Education (Mathematics) degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, plus at least six (6) years relevant experience in a relevant area;
- Have served satisfactorily as an Examinations Secretary or Equivalent position for at least three (3) years in an Education Institution;
- Evidence of knowledge in printing as well as proficiency and knowledge in computer Applications will be an added advantage.
15. Transport Officer II
KNEC Scale EC 9
The Officer at this level will report to the Principal Administrative Officer in General Administration Division
Duties and Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 9
The Officer at this level will report to the Principal Administrative Officer in General Administration Division
Duties and Responsibilities
- Prepare and implement the KNEC transport policy;
- Plan and coordinate the utilization of KNEC transport as well as ensure safety, efficiency and economical operation and maintenance of Council vehicles;
Qualifications and Experience Required
- At least Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences and a post graduate qualification in transport management/administration/ transport logistics or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
- Served as a Transport Officer or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
16. Human Resources Officer II
KNEC Scale EC 9
The Officer at this level will report to a Head of Section in Human Resources Management Division.
Key Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 9
The Officer at this level will report to a Head of Section in Human Resources Management Division.
Key Responsibilities:
- Be responsible for overseeing activities in relation to Staff Medical Insurance Cover, benevolent and other welfare related issues;
- Liaise and work with a range of Council Committees such as Health and Safety, Staff Party etc to ensure staff welfare needs are met and represent staff views and interests on welfare matters to the Council;
- Proposing, planning, coordination and organization of recreational activities;
- Updating of staff records and data including the preparation of monthly/quarterly/biannual and annual Human Resources reports;
Qualifications and Experience Required
- At least Bachelors degree in Social Sciences such as Government, Sociology, Economics, Public, Business Administration; OR KNEC Higher Diploma in Human Resources Management (KNEC) or equivalent qualifications and with three (3) years experience in a similar position;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
17. Personal Secretary
KNEC Scale EC 9
The Officer at this level will report to a Head of Section/Division/ Department.
Key Responsibilities:
KNEC Scale EC 9
The Officer at this level will report to a Head of Section/Division/ Department.
Key Responsibilities:
- Typing Executive and customer correspondence;
- Assisting in preparation of proposals, reports, data, research material and may attend meetings and seminars to take notes or to provide information and Performing standard office procedures including scheduling appointments, processing mail, answering telephones and ordering supplies;
- Filing and retrieving records and correspondence and keeping sensitive material Confidential.
Qualifications and Experience Required
- At least Bachelors Degree in Secretarial Studies/ Business Studies/Office Management or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution OR Posses a KNEC Diploma/Higher Diploma in Secretarial studies or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution with 3 (three) years minimum experience;
- Have KCSE Mean Grade C- or its equivalent;
- Have passed the following subjects offered by the KNEC-
- Typewriting III (50 wpm),
- Business English II
- Commerce II
- Shown merit and demonstrated ability in work performance for at least three (3) years as a Senior Copy Typist/Shorthand Typist II;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in computer applications (Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Database Management) from recognized institutions.
18. Webmaster (Contract)
This is a contractual engagement for at least one year with an option of extension. The Council will offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with seniority and responsibilities of the position.
The Officer at this level will be reporting to the Senior Deputy Secretary, Information Communications Technology (ICT) department.
Key Responsibilities:
This is a contractual engagement for at least one year with an option of extension. The Council will offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with seniority and responsibilities of the position.
The Officer at this level will be reporting to the Senior Deputy Secretary, Information Communications Technology (ICT) department.
Key Responsibilities:
- Develop overall web infrastructure and related applications;
- Responsible for the design of Council's web pages, including graphics, animation and functionality;
- Monitor web server and technical performance;
- Liaise with ICT staff ton assure that interactive web applications work correctly;
- Renew content of the web as needed, ensuring accuracy and timeliness of information presented and create new pages as required to promote Council events or community information;
- Respond to users' web queries concerning the Council's website;
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- At least Bachelors Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or related discipline as well as recognized qualifications in the development of database - driven website (evidence of work done - hyperlink to such works must be given);from a recognised institution;
- Evidence of excellent skills on web design tools, scripting languages, client/server configuration and databases;
- Working knowledge of content management systems and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
19 . Security Officer I
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report to the Council Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 10
The Officer at this level will report to the Council Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Planning, organising, administration and coordination of all the security activities and functions for efficient, effective operations of the Council and review the existing security procedures and security systems on regular basis;
- Monitoring, analyzing and implementing security risk assessment;
- Investigating all security incidences and liaising with other security agencies;
Qualifications and Experience Required
- A relevant Bachelors degree and professional training in security operations or equivalent qualification;
- Have at least six (6) years experience three (3) of which must be in handling security operations in a reputable establishment;
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in Computer Applications.
20. Senior Principal Economist/Deputy Secretary (Planning)
KNEC Scale EC 14
The Senior Principal Economist/Deputy Secretary (Planning) will report to the Council Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.
Key Responsibilities
KNEC Scale EC 14
The Senior Principal Economist/Deputy Secretary (Planning) will report to the Council Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.
Key Responsibilities
- Initiating the formulation of planning and economic policies for the Council and reviewing on a continuous basis the Council's Strategic/Development plans and policies;
- Carrying out regular performance appraisal of the Council activities and programmes and making advisory reports;
- Monitoring the implementation and reporting on the Councils strategic objectives as per the Council's Strategic Plan and preparation of short, medium and long term development plans for the Council;
- Being in charge of the performance contracting activities in the Council.
Qualifications and Experience
- At least Bachelors Degree in economics, mathematics and/or statistics from a recognized University/institution or equivalent qualification;
- Evidence of experience in Strategic Planning and Performance Appraisal for a minimum of five (5) years from a reputable Institution;
- Be computer literate in relevant computer packages;
- Have served at the level of a Principal Economist/Planner for at least three (3) years;
Terms of Offer
- The Council will offer a competitive remuneration package commensurate with seniority and responsibilities of the position.
Interested and suitably qualified candidates should forward their applications enclosing certified copies of their academic and professional certificates, detailed curriculum vitae giving details of day time telephone contact, e-mail addresses, current remuneration (enclose copy of your latest pay slip), names and valid current contacts of two referees on or before 30th April, 2010 to:
The Council Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Kenya National Examinations Council
P 0 Box 73593 00200
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and canvassing will result to automatic disqualification.
Council Secretary/Chief Executive
National Housing Corporation
Building, Aga Khan Walk,
P.O. Box 73598 - 00200
City Square, Nairobi, Kenya