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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kabianga University College (A Constituent College of Moi University)

Applicants are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following posts.
Office of the Deputy Principal (Academic and Student Affairs)
School of Education and Social Science
Scale 15
2 (Two) Positions
  • Applicants must have a Ph.D degree in the following areas: Curriculum, Instructional, Educational media and History.
  • Must have at least 4 years of teaching and research since being appointed Associate Professor and at least 10 years experience in teaching or research in the University.
  • Must have at least 5 articles in refereed journals since appointed as Associate Professor.
  • Should have supervised post graduate degree candidates
  • Should have attended and contributed at learned conferences seminars or workshops.
  • Should show evidence of membership of professional societies.
  • Should show evidence of continued research and effective teaching.
  • Must be recognized and registered or register able by relevant professional board.
  • Should show evidence of leadership (administrative experience, active participation in Departmental/School/University activities as well as national and international activities.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Associate Professor 
Scale 14
Two (2) Positions
  • Must have a PhD degree or equivalent in the relevant field from a recognized University in the following areas: Education Foundation, Literature.
  • Must have 4 years teaching experience and research since becoming a senior lecturer.
  • Must have at least four (4) articles in referred journals(s) or one book plus two (2) articles since appointment as a senior lecturer.
  • Should have supervised postgraduate degree students and Ph.D students since being appointed as a senior lecturer.
  • Should have attended and contributed at learned conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Should have evidence of academic leadership in his/her area of specialization through joint research publication and membership of professional societies.
  • Should show evidence of continued research and effective teaching.
  • Should be a member recognized by relevant professional bodies.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Senior Lecturer 
Scale 13
Three (3) Positions
  • Must be PhD degree holder in any of the following teaching areas: Educational Policy and Administration, Kiswahili, Religion with at least four (4) years of recognized university teaching experience.
  • Must have at least four (4) articles published in a refereed journals(s) or at least one(1) refereed book in the candidates professional area and published by recognized publishers, plus (2) articles in refereed journals since the last promotion
  • Should have a masters degree in the relevant field plus four (4) years of university teaching experience after promotion to lecturer and six (6) publications in a refereed journal since being appointed a lecturer.
  • Show evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Show evidence of active participation in departmental activities and good quality teaching.
  • Be a member of a Professional body.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Scale 12
Five (5) Positions
  • Must have a Ph D degree in any of the following listed teaching areas: Communication and Public Relations, English, Public Administration, Communication and Public Relations, Geography, Kiswahili, History, Religion, Educational, Psychology from a recognized university or have successfully defended PhD Thesis
  • Must have a masters degree in addition to first degree from a recognized university plus at least two (two) years of teaching experience at university level after obtaining a masters degree or at least 2 publications in referred journals.
  • Show evidence of active participation in departmental / school activities and good quality teaching.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Assistant Lecturer 
Scale 11
Four (4) Positions
  • Applicants must have a Masters degree in the following areas: Communication or Public Relations and Public Administration.
  • They should have a least one (1) year of post qualification teaching experience and must show evidence of actively pursuing Ph D Studies. Those who have teaching experience in a recognized University setup will have an added advantage.
Technician (Audio-Visual) 
Scale A/B/C
2 Positions

Applicants should posses National Diploma in Media Production/Audio-Visual Technology or equivalent qualification, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and or Cartography and MUST have proven knowledge and 2 years experience in Digital Audio/Video Editing and production packages and photography.

Successful applicants will be expected to organize practical work for both undergraduate
and postgraduate students. Besides, the successful candidates will have to take up other
assignments as would be prescribed to him/her by the Head of Department.
School of Business and Economics
Associate Professor 
Scale 14
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants must have a Ph.D degree in the following areas: accounting, finance, banking, economics, tourism management, hotel and hospitality management, tours and travel management, human resource and marketing,
  • Must have at least 4 years of teaching and research since becoming a Senior Lecturer
  • Must have at least 4 articles in refereed journals since appointment as Senior Lecturer.
  • They should have supervised postgraduate degree candidates
  • They should have been engaged in effective teaching and research work evidenced by attendance and contributions at learned conferences, seminars or workshops
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Senior Lecturer 
Scale 13
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants should have a Ph.D degree in the following areas : accounting or finance and banking or economics, tourism management or hotel and hospitality management or tours and travel management, human resource and, marketing.
  • Must have at least 4 years of teaching at a recognized university or research experience since becoming Lecturer
  • Must have a minimum of 4 publications in refereed journals since appointment as Lecturer in the following areas:
  • Applicants must have a Master degree plus 5 years of University teaching experience after becoming Lecturer and 5 publications since becoming Lecturer.
  • They should also have supervised post-graduate degree students
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Scale 12
Six (6) Positions
  • Applicants should have a Ph.D degree in the following areas : accounting or finance and banking or economics, tourism management or hotel and hospitality management or tours and travel management, human resource and, marketing.
  • Must have a Masters degree in business field in addition to a fist degree from a recognized academic institution plus at least 2 years of teaching experience at University level after obtaining a Masters degree and
  • Must have at least 2 publications in refereed journal(s).
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Assistant Lecturer 
Scale 11
Two (2) Positions
  • Must have a first degree and a Masters degree in the following areas: marketing, management science , tourism management or tours and travel management
  • Must have at least one year post qualification experience in a teaching or research institution.
  • Should continue to show potential for university teaching/research by registering for a doctoral degree and producing publications.
School of Science and Technology
Scale 15
Two (2) Positions
  • Candidates must have a Ph.D degree from recognized university in the following areas: Biological Science and Mathematics.
  • Candidates must have at least five (5) years of teaching and research at University level since being appointed Associate Professor at University and should have been involved in the supervision of post-graduate students.
  • They must have at least five (5) articles in referred journal(s) since being appointed Associate Professor. Publication of a book relevant to the discipline by a reputable publisher will be an added advantage
  • They should have been engaged in active and effective teaching and research work evidence by continued attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • They should show evidence of contribution to University life as well as national and international life. Membership of a professional body will be an added advantage.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Associate Professor 
Scale 14
Three (3) Positions
  • Candidates must have a Ph.D degree from recognized university in the following areas: Chemistry, Biological, Mathematics and Physics.
  • Candidates must have at least four (4) years of teaching and research at University level since being appointed Senior Lecturer or at least 8 years of teaching experience at University and should have been involved in the supervision of post-graduate students.
  • Candidates must have at least four (4) articles in referred journal(s) since being appointed Senior Lecturer. Publication of a book relevant to the discipline by a reputable publisher will be an added advantage.
  • They should have been engaged in active and effective teaching and research work evidenced by continued attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • They should show evidence of contribution to University life as will as national and international life. Membership of a professional body will be an added advantage
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, and initiate and direct relevant research projects in the Department.
Senior Lecturer 
Scale 13
Five (5) Positions
  • Must be Ph.D degree holder in the following areas: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and Statistics and with at least four (4) years of recognized University teaching experience.
  • Must have at least four (4) articles published in refereed journal(s) or at least one (1) referred book in the candidate’s professional area and published by recognized publishers since the last promotion .
  • Holders of a masters degree in the relevant field with five (5) years of university teaching experience after promotion to lecturer and six (6) publications in refereed journal(s) since being appointed lecturer may be considered.
  • Show evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Show evidence of active participation in departmental activities and good quality teaching.
  • Be a member of a professional body.
The successful candidates will be expected to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate students and actively participate in research and supervision of students and undertake extension work.
Scale 12
Five (5) Positions
  • Applicants should be holders of a PhD degree in the following areas: Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biological Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics from a recognized University or have successfully defended PhD thesis.
  • Must have two (2) publications in refereed journal(s) or a University level book by a reputable publisher.
  • Holders of a masters degree who have taught at University level for at least two (2) years as Tutorial fellow or Assistant Lecturer and have published at least two papers in a refereed journal will also be considered.
  • Show evidence of active participation in departmental activities and good quality teaching.
Successful applicants will be expected to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate
courses, supervise postgraduate research, conduct research in ones area of specialization and participate in other departmental activities.
Assistant Lecturer
Scale 11
Four (4) Positions
  • Applicants should have a Masters degree in the following areas: Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry and Physics from a recognized University.
  • Must have at least one year post qualification in university teaching/research.
  • Should continue to show potential for university teaching/research by registering for a doctoral degree and producing publications.
  • Possession of publication(s) will be an added advantage
School of Natural Resource Management
Scale 15 (XV)
(1 Position)
  • Applicants must have a Ph.D Degree from a recognized University in the following areas: Forest entomology, Agroforestry, Forest pathology, Tree Ecophysiology
  • Applicants should have taught at university level as Associate Professor for at least four (4) years
  • Must have supervised postgraduate students, have proof of relevant administrative experience and engaged in research work as evidenced by publications of at least five (5) articles in refereed journal(s) since being appointed Associate Professor or a total of fourteen (14) papers.
  • Publication of a book by a reputable publisher will be a definite advantage. Evidence of continued education should be included.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, initiate and direct relevant research projects.
Associate Professor
Scale 14
Tw0 (2) Position)
  • Applicants must have a Ph.D Degree in the following areas: Forest entomology, Agroforestry, Forest pathology, Tree Ecophysiology or equivalent from a recognized academic institution.
  • Applicants should have taught at university level as Senior Lecturer for at least four (4) years
  • Must have supervised postgraduate students, have proof or relevant administrative experience and engaged in research work as evidenced by publication of at least four (4) articles in refereed journal(s) since being appointed a Senior Lecturer.
  • Publication of a book by a reputable publisher will be a definitive advantage. Evidence of continued education should be included.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, initiate and direct relevant research projects
Senior Lecturer 
Scale 13
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants must have a Ph.D in the following areas: Forest entomology, Agroforestry, Forest pathology, Tree Ecophysiology, Forestry, Hydrology & Watershed Management, Range Management, Nature conservation, Dry land Forestry/Dry land Natural Resource Management, Urban Forestry & Landscaping, Climatology/climate science or equivalent from a recognized academic institution.
  • Applicants should have taught at university level as Lecturer for at least four (4) years,
  • Must have supervised postgraduate students, have proof of relevant administrative experience and engaged in research work as evidenced by publication of at least four (4) articles in refereed journal(s) since being appointed lecturer. Evidence of continued education should be included.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, initiate and direct relevant research projects
Scale 12
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants must have a Ph.D Degree in the following areas: Forest entomology, Agroforestry, Forest pathology, Tree Ecophysiology, Forestry,Hydrology & Watershed Management,Range Management,Nature conservation,Dry land Forestry/Dry land Natural Resource Management,Urban Forestry & Landscaping,Climatology/climate science or equivalent from a recognized academic institution.
  • Must have least two (2) years of teaching at University level after obtaining a Masters Degree and at least two (2) publications in refereed journal(s).
The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervise higher degree students, initiate and direct relevant research projects
Senior Technician 
Scale D/E/F
One (1) Position

The applicant must be a holder of Bachelors degree and at least KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) or KCE Div II.
In addition:
  • Must have professional qualification of Higher National Diploma in relevant area from a recognized institution. Preferably the applicant should have professional; qualification in any of the following areas: Soil science, Survey and Photogrammetry, Forest mensuration, Plant pathology, Entomology and tree nursery techniques
  • Those with Masters degree in addition to the above will have an added advantage.
Successful applicant will be expected to oversee the running of laboratory and field practical activities in the Department, including assisting lecturers in planning of students’ field study tours among others.
Scale A/B/C
(1 Post)

The applicant must have at least KCSE mean grade C (plain) or KCE Div III or its equivalent.
In addition the applicant must:
  • Have three (3) years of relevant working experience in a University or Tertiary institution.
  • Have ordinary Diploma in Applied Biology.
Successful applicant will be expected to arrange and present practical activities for undergraduate students; ensure quality of laboratory tests and to demonstrate laboratory and field practical activities to students.
Laboratory Assistant 
Scale IV
(4 Posts)

The applicant must have at least KCSE mean grade C (plain) or KCE Div III or equivalent
In addition the applicant must:
  • Have at least one (1) year of relevant working experience in a University or Tertiary institution.
  • Have at least a Certificate in Applied Biology from a recognized institution. Those with Diploma in Applied biology will have an added advantage.
The successful applicant will be expected to assist the technician to arrange and present
practical activities for undergraduate students; ensure quality of laboratory tests and
maintain clean laboratory environment.
School of Agriculture and Biotechnology
Associate Professor 
Scale 14
One (1) Position
  • Applicants must hold a Ph.D or equivalent degree in Agriculture or related field from a recognized University.
  • Must have at least four (4) years of teaching and research since becoming a Senior Lecturer.
  • Must have at least four (4) articles in refereed journals since appointment as Senior Lecturer.
  • Should have supervised postgraduate degree students, & contributed at conference/ workshops.
  • Should show evidence of membership to a professional society, continued research & effective teaching and contribution to university/national/international life.
The successful candidate is expected to participate in teaching, research and supervision
of postgraduate students in areas of Agricultural Biosystems and Economics and carryout any administrative assignments.
Senior Lecturer 
Scale 13
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants should have a doctorate degree or its equivalent in horticulture or related field from a recognized University.
  • Must have at least 4 years of teaching or research experience at University level and a minimum of 4 publications in referred journals since appointment as Lecturer/research fellow.
  • He/She should have supervised postgraduate degree candidates and contributed at learned conferences/workshops.
  • Should show evidence of continued research, effective teaching, contribution to university life, and membership to a professional society.
  • The successful candidate for Horticulture production is expected to teach, carry outstudents’ supervision and conduct research particularly in pomology, floriculture and or plant breeding and biotechnology in addition to other duty assignments.
  • Candidates for Agricultural Biosystems and Management position are expected to teach, supervise students and carry research in areas including animal science and or crop science
The successful candidate is expected to participate in teaching, research and supervision
of postgraduate students in areas of Agricultural Biosystems and Economics and carryout any administrative assignments.
Scale 12
Four (4) Position
  • Applicants should have a D.Phil degree or its equivalent in Horticulture or Agriculture or Agricultural processing engineering from a recognized University.
  • Ideal candidate should have a first degree in Agriculture
  • Applicants with a relevant Masters degree in addition to a first degree from a recognized academic institution plus at least 2 years experience and at least 2 publications in referred journals may be considered.
  • Those with a Masters degree should register for a doctorate degree.
  • Should show evidence of belonging to a professional society.
  • The successful candidate should be able to teach plant breeding or crop production in a protected environment in addition to other horticultural courses or Agricultural engineering or animal science
  • The candidate with agricultural processing orientation should show evidence of adding value to bio- resources
  • In addition, candidates should show evidence of improving resilience in climate change.
The successful candidate is expected to participate in teaching, research and supervision
of postgraduate students in areas of Agricultural Biosystems and Economics and carryout any administrative assignments.
Assistant Lecturer 
Scale 11
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants should have a Masters degree of science degree in Horticulture or Agriculture from a recognized university.
  • Must have at least one year post qualification in university teaching/research.
  • Ideal candidate for Horticulture position should have taught relevant subjects such as biotechnology and plant conservation/breeding. Those for Agricultural Biosystems position should be able to teach such courses as agricultural economics
  • Should continue to show potential for university teaching/research by registering for a doctoral degree and producing publications.
  • Possession of publication(s) will be an added advantage
Senior Technician 
Scale D/E/F
(2 Position)
  • Applicants should be holders of B.Sc degree in Agriculture or Horticulture from a recognized University or at least a Higher National Diploma in applied Biology.
  • Degree holders should have at least 3 years while Diploma holders have 5 years of relevant work experience as a technician in university or equivalent institution
  • Possession of post graduate training and or knowledge of computer application skills will be an added advantage.
  • Successful candidates will be involved in planning, preparing and implementing practicals classes and research projects for both undergraduate and post graduate students.
  • The ideal candidate would be competent enough to work to plan and handle research even in the absence of teaching staff and should be ready to carry stressful tasks successfully.
  • Practical and Research projects should be in areas of Horticulture or Agricultural Biosystems
Scale A/B/C
Three (3) Positions
  • Applicants should be holders of at least an ordinary Diploma in Horticulture or Applied biology (2 positions) or Agriculture or Agricultural Engineering ( 1 position) from a recognized institution.
  • Should also have at least three (3) years of relevant work experience as a field assistant or technician in a university or research Institution.
  • Knowledge of computer and ability to work for long periods will be an added advantage.
  • The successful candidate will be involved in planning preparing and implementing practical classes and research projects for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • The ideal candidate should be competent enough to plan and handle research even in the absence of teaching staff.
Lab Assistants 
Scale IV
Two (2) Positions
  • Applicants should have a certificate in Agriculture from a recognized tertiary institution.
  • Must have at least one year of relevant work experience in the laboratory and field.
  • The ideal candidate shall assist the technician(s) and teaching staff in planning, preparing and implementing practicals and research projects.
University College Library
Senior Assistant Librarian 
Scale 13
One (1) Position

Applicants must possess at least Ph.D degree in Library or Information Sciences or its equivalent from a recognized university with at least three years working experience or be holders of Masters degree in Library and Information Sciences or its equivalent with at least five years of post qualification working experience in a well established academic
institution Library.

In addition, applicants must demonstrate and provide evidence for professional leadership, managerial skills and creativity, be responsible for managing a large well-established academic library, department,/campus or branch Library, must have practical knowledge of ICT. Those with research and publications have an added advantage.
Assistant Librarian 
Scale 12
One Position

Applicants should have the following minimal qualifications: Masters degree in Library and Information Science from a recognized institution, five years relevant post qualification work experience in a large and well-established computerized university library, must have practical knowledge of ICT application in Library and Information Sciences.

Holders of Bsc(Information Science) and ten years relevant post qualification experience in a large and well-established university library will be considered.
Office of the Deputy Principal (Administration, Planning and Finance)

Assistant Purchasing Officer 
Grade E/F
(1 Post)

Applicant should be a holder of a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields from a recognized Institution; Purchasing and Supplies, Commerce, 
Business Management, Economics or a related Discipline. In addition, diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management (CIPS) with relevant working experience of at least 3 years from a reputable


K.C.S.E with a mean grade of C+ or equivalent and a Professional Final Stage Diploma in
Purchasing and Supplies (CIPS) or equivalent qualifications with at least 5 years relevant
working experience from a reputable organization.

Applicants should be conversant with The Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005.
Membership of Kenya Institute of Supplies Management is compulsory.

Certificate in Clearing and Forwarding will be added advantage.

Computer literacy is a must.
Assistant Internal Auditor
Grade E/F
(1 Post)

Applicant should have Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting Option) or Bachelor of Business Management plus at least CPA part II Section 3.

They should in addition, have at least 4 years relevant working experience in a large reputable organization.

Applicant with C.P.A part II plus 5 years relevant working experience as Senior Audit Assistant in an Institution of higher learning will also be considered.

Successful applicant will be expected to work in busy sections with minimum supervision. They should also be expected to be familiar with computerized auditing techniques. Computer literacy would be a must.
Senior Security Officer
Grade E/F
(1 Post)
Applicant to this position must have;
  • A Bachelors degree in Criminology or its equivalent from a recognized University
  • Served for three (3) years with the Kenya Police at the rank of an Inspector or an equivalent rank in the Armed Forces or the National Youth Service.
  1. Served in the Kenya Police at the rank of an Inspector or grade of Security Officer II or in a comparable and relevant position for at least (5) years.
  1. A Diploma in Criminology or its equivalent from a recognized institution; and have served in the Police Force for four (4) years
  2. In addition to the above, applicants should show merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
  3. Applicant should attach a current certificate of good conduct and discharge certificateif they are out of the discipline forces.

Salary Scales are:
Teaching staff
  • Scale 15 – Kshs. 87,536 x 2,733 – Kshs. 144,000
  • Scale 14 – Kshs. 82,159 x 2,688 – Kshs. 108,000
  • Scale 13 – Kshs. 63,531 x 2,114 – Kshs. 86,000
  • Scale 12 – Kshs. 55,848 x 1,856 – Kshs. 75,000
  • Scale 11 – Kshs. 47,463 x 1,630 – Kshs. 67,000
Non Teaching Staff
  • Scale 13 – Kshs. 60,213 x 2,003 – Kshs. 80,415
  • Scale 12 – Kshs. 52,931 x 1,759 – Kshs. 70,769
  • Grade E/F – Kshs. 22,252 x 754 – Kshs.33,957
  • Grade D/E/F – Kshs. 18,271 x 580 – Kshs.33,957
  • Grade A/B/C – Kshs. 12,000 x 600 – Kshs.20,836
  • Grade IV – Kshs. 10,770 x 285 – Kshs.14,235

Two (2) copies of applications should be submitted in writing together with an updated curriculum vitae giving details of applicant’s age, Marital status, academic and professional qualifications, working experience, present post and salary, telephone contacts, names and addresses of three referees plus copies of certificates and testimonials.

The reference number of the position applied should be clearly indicated.
Applications a re to be addressed to:

The Deputy Principal (Academic
& Students Affairs),(For Teaching
staff posts and Library Posts)
Kabianga University College,
P.O.Box 1-20200

Deputy Principal (Administration, Planning
and Finance (For Non-Teaching Staff
Posts), Kabianga University College,
P.O.Box 1-20200,

So as to reach them not later than 3rd May, 2010.

Applicants are advised to contact their referees and request them to send their letters of reference to the above addresses. The referees should write and send their recommendations under sealed envelopes within three weeks from the date of this advertisement. For those already in employments, applications should be channeled through heads of departments.

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