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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Become a UN Volunteer Now

Hello friends. The hunt for UNVs is on.......see the information below and follow the instructions on the UNV website to sign up. Remember you've got to be atleast 25. All the best!

How to become a UNV volunteer 

As a part of its activities, UNV opens up opportunities for professional women and men to serve as UNV volunteers and contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

MDGs are a set of time-bound targets to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. The UNV programme recruit a great diversity of talents and offer these opportunities to:

# Professionals from various sectors and from any country who want to share their expertise with counterparts in developing countries.

# Humanitarian aid specialists from all walks of life and from any country to provide humanitarian assistance and support relief and peace efforts.

# Senior business leaders and retired executives from any country in the world who wish to support private sector development in developing countries.

# Expatriate professionals from the developing world who would like to return and share their expertise with national counterparts in their home country.

# Experts who wish to volunteer in their own countries and share local knowledge and culture.

For further details and application materials, see:

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