Do you have 3 years working experience in Computerized Accounting?
Can you comfortably train the following computerized packages at advanced level
Can you comfortably train the following computerized packages at advanced level
- QuickBooks
- Pastel
- Sage
- Spreadsheets
Are you between 23 - 27 years old?
If the answer to the above questions is yes and you can “prove” send your application and detailed CV to the address below before Tuesday 20th April 2010. Any application received later than this date will not be processed.
The Training Administrator
Kenya College of Management & information Technology
If the answer to the above questions is yes and you can “prove” send your application and detailed CV to the address below before Tuesday 20th April 2010. Any application received later than this date will not be processed.
The Training Administrator
Kenya College of Management & information Technology