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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Focal Person for Human Rights - Deutsche Gesellschaft fOr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) , Tanzania

As an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations, the federally owned Deutsche Gesellschaft fOr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its development-policy objectives. GTZ is commissioned by the German Government to implement together with the Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare the Tanzania-German Program to Support Health (TGPSH).

Within the health sector support programme the Human Rights approach plays an important role. It centers on increasing and disseminating information on health rights and services, especially in the area of sexual and reproductive health, particularly for vulnerable groups to understand better and demand their rights and protection. It also aims at increasing awareness of health providers and public health decision makers about the right to health and the importance of human rights to achieving quality, equity and universal access to health.

Core responsibility

Support TGPSH staff and their partners in analysing their work, setting priorities and identifying key intervention areas for mainstreaming a human rights-based approach to health.

Main tasks

• Assess new developments regarding the health and human rights situation in Tanzania, particularly with regard to the legal and political context.

• Comment on forthcoming Tanzanian policies and guidelines with regard to their human rights orientation.

• Support TGPSH components to apply practical guidelines to develop and strengthen a human rights-based approach in their work.

• Comment on documents and products of the TGPSH and its partners with regard to their human rights orientation.

• Communicate with programme manager and component team leaders.

• Prepare regular meetings of TGPSH staff to discuss mainstreaming process and decide on further steps, attend and give inputs to meetings, write minutes of meetings and follow-up with team components.

• Document main steps and results of mainstreaming process.

• Liaise with human rights focal points in relevant Tanzanian organisations and development agencies.

• Enhance capacity of partners to include human rights perspective into policy, programming and implementation. Link up with human rights and civil society organisations, and assess th'eir potential for cooperation.

• Act as resource person to the InWEnTIWHO e-Iearning course on health and human rights.

• Liaise with Tanzanian Alumni of the InWEntIWHO e-Iearning course on health and human rights and explore possibilities for exchanging information and networking.


University Degree in Law/Legal Practice (Local, International law) with Advanced Training/Specialization in human rights is desirable; Postgraduate in related field will be an added advantage. Experience in the area of health and development cooperation in Tanzania or a neighbouring country is desirable. Good knowledge of Tanzania legal and political framework. Sound interpersonal and communication skills


Interested candidates who satisfy the above qualifications are invited to send their application letter together with their CVs, copies of certificates, testimonials and names of three professional referees, addressed to the Human Resources Officer, GTZ Office, 65 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, PO Box 1519, Dar-es-Salaam by September 15th 2010 latest. Salary expectations and the earliest possible starting date should be indicated. Envelopes should be marked "Focal Person Human Rights TGPSH".

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