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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

INET Research Grant Program

About INETThe Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is an organization created to promote changes in economic theory and practice through conferences, research grants, joint ventures with academic and research institutions and other education initiatives. The Institute seeks to create an environment nourished by open discourse and empower the next generation of scholars with the necessary support to accelerate and advance new and important thinking on economic issues.

About the Research Grants The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) awards Research Grants to individuals and institutions to pursue ground-breaking high-impact research in the field of economics. The Research Grant program is one of the major initiatives of the Institute. INET plans to award approximately 50 grants per year ranging in value from $30,000-$250,000. Grants will be awarded primarily to individuals or teams of individuals affiliated with academic institutions, think tanks and other centers of vital research on questions of import. The Institute is particularly interested in funding early stage research and research scholars and realizes that related disciplines such as history, political science, psychology and adaptations from the physical sciences may offer much of value for the Institute’s program.

In conformance to the Institute’s commitment to encouraging new and consequential economic thinking, submissions in any subject area will be actively considered. In addition, at this time, the Institute is inviting proposals that intend to advance thought in economics with particular emphasis on the following areas of study:
  • Political Economy: The State, Economy and their Interaction
  • Theories of Finance, Radical Uncertainty, Asset Price Swings and the Interaction between Financial and Real Economic Systems
  • New Approaches to Empirical Macroeconomics
  • Network and Systems Theory
  • Economic History
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Human Capital and Growth
  • Development and Economic Inequality
About the Application and Decision Process The application process will involve two stages. For the first stage, applicants will be required to submit through the INET website a high level proposal not exceeding 6 single spaced pages describing the project to be undertaken. An up-to-date CV should accompany the proposal, as well as any other supporting materials that the applicant feels would help in the grant determination process. Applicants will be informed as to whether the proposal has been accepted into the second stage within a month of receipt.

Upon successful invitation from INET into the second stage, applicants will be required to send a detailed proposal along with any additional information requested by the Institute. Requirements for each stage are outlined below.

In Stage 1, the following types of information MUST be included in the proposal:  
  • What is the problem under study and why is it important? 
  • Why is this project something that should be funded by INET, as opposed to other granting institutions?
  • What is the project timeline and budget and how will the funds be used? (See note on overhead charges below)
In Stage 2, in addition to the above, a successful proposal should specify:
  • What are (some of) the specific hypotheses that will be examined and what approaches will be used to examine them? 
  • What kinds of data will be used in the study and how will the data be acquired? 
  • How will the data be analyzed to get at the questions under study: what methods, analytic models or interpretive strategies will be used?
  • How will the results of the investigation be reported?
  • What will the impact of the project be and how will the results of the research be disseminated?
A successful grant proposal must demonstrate three important features:
  • It will give extensive evidence of how the research will address opportunities in the topic being considered and its potential to significantly influence the discipline.
  • It will show that the grantee has thought about the avenues for considerable engagement with the discipline as it stands.
  • It will provide reasons for why such a grant is appropriate to the Institute’s mission to advance the culture of change for the next generation of scholars.
Research grants will be awarded twice per year. The timeline for this inaugural research grant cycle is planned as follows:

July 1, 2010  Research Grant Program announced
July 31, 2010  Stage 1 Proposals due to INET
August 31, 2010  INET announces Proposals nominated into Stage 2
September 20, 2010  Stage 2 Proposals due to INET
October 15, 2010  Research Grant awards announced by INET

Applications for a Research Grant from the Institute for New Economic Thinking should be submitted through the Institute’s website here. Questions regarding the research application can be directed to:

All applications will be reviewed by the INET research jury comprised leading economists and social scientists. The research jury will make recommendations to the INET’s Governing Board. The Board will then make the final determination of grantees.

Other information 
  • The Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender and/or gender identity, pregnancy or parental status, marital or domestic partner status, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
  • Datasets or resources developed through an INET funding grant are expected to be an open source resource with due attribution.
  • INET will not fund proposals with greater than 15% of budget allocated to overhead or transfers to a University or Institution that houses a scholar or team.

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