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Monday, November 8, 2010

Commonwealth Scholarships Tenable in the United Kingdom – 2011/2012

Republic of Kenya

Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

Commonwealth Scholarships Tenable in the United Kingdom – 2011/2012

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom is offering twelve (12) full scholarships for postgraduate students (masters and PhD) for Kenyan students.

These are tenable in UK institutions of higher learning.

The areas of study are open but priority will be given to studies that are in line with the country’s Vision 2030 Policy and especially along the following:

* Global economic growth
* Climate Change
* Fragile and conflict affected States

Duration of Scholarships

One (1) year taught Masters courses Six (6) months of clinical training in medicine or dentistry Doctoral Degrees of up to three (3) years. Candidates may undertake fieldwork in Kenya. One (1) year research on a split-site basis towards a PhD registered at a Kenyan university. Twelve (12) months will be spent in the UK undertaking research.


Applicants must meet the following conditions:

* Should hold bachelors degree of at least upper second class honors level.
* For PhD applicants they must have a very good Master’s Degree.
* Are serving the country in the public sector
* Are below 35 years for masters and 45 years for PhD

Note: Students are advised to submit independent applications directly to their preferred institutions in United Kingdom in advance to avoid delay in placements.

More information about UK institutions can be found at the following website:

Application Procedure

Preliminary application forms are obtainable from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology offices at Telposta Towers, 27th floor room 2702.

The application forms can also be downloaded from the Ministry’s website:

Candidates should submit their application forms through their heads of departments.

Completed application forms with attached certified photocopies of ID, academic/professional certificates, transcripts, Birth Certificate, other testimonials and a proposal in the area of study should be sent to:

Director Higher Education,
Ministry of Higher Education,Science and Technology,
P. O. Box 9583 – 00200

Or delivered to: Telposta Towers, 27th floor room 2702

The application forms should reach the Ministry not later than 19th November, 2010.

Director Higher Education

For: Permanent Secretary

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