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Monday, November 8, 2010

Sameer Agriculture and Livestock Distribution Business Opportunity

Sameer Agriculture and livestock (K) Ltd, a division of Sameer Group Company, is a leading dairy products manufacturer and marketer.
Our Brands are DAIMA; Fresh milk, Yoghurt, Lala, Butter, Cheese, Ghee and Pure drinking water. We also Distribute FRESH DAIRY brand of UHT milk, Butter, Ghee and Milk powder
Business Opportunity
· Do you want to have your own distribution business ? OR
· You want to expand your existing distribution business! OR
· You are a housewife and need an extra income! OR
· You want to earn extra money with minimal financial investment but plenty of hard work!

If the answer is YES to any of the above, choose to become Daima Distributor OR Fresh Milk Agent.
For Distributors: we need people with interest and flair for distribution, have basic distribution infrastructure or are ready to invest in it.
For Fresh milk Agents: this is the simplest way to start up or expand your business.
Being an Agent requires minimal investment but plenty of hard work
We need distributors and agents for various parts of Nairobi.
This will give you an opportunity to associate with our rapidly growing Dairy Brand
Please contact us at; info@
or send your details at P.O.Box 102 -00507 Nairobi
or speak to following;
For Distributors Call; Mr. Mark on 0725 210 800 or Mr. Pradeep 0729 159 608
For Agents Call; Mr. Richard on 0736 498 862 or Mr. Dinesh 0720 300 167

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