Fondazione Bruno Kessler
10 Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in History
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - The Centro Per Gli Studi Storici Italo-Germanici
Trento - Italy
Within the context of its newly adopted 2011-2013 activity program, the Centro per gli Studi storici italo-germanici launches a 3-years project of research on the following topic: "Transition as a historiographical issue. The phases of the critical development of «modernity» 1494-1973" under the coordination of the Director of the Center, Prof. Paolo Pombeni.
The project focuses on the theme of 'transition' as a major category of interpretation of the passages that have remodeled what may be defined in general terms as "modernity", i.e. the period extending roughly from Renaissance humanism to the turning point of the 1970s. A detailed description of the project and its various subdivisions can be found in the document "Project_Transition as a historiographical issue"
Call For Applications And Admission Requirements
For said research project, applications are being accepted for 10 postdoctoral research fellowships. In compliance with the agreement on the process of stabilization of research personnel within the humanities department concluded on August, 5, 2010, between the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and trade unions, four of the aforementioned positions will be reserved for members of the staff of the Centro per gli Studi storici italo-germanici.
Researchers' activities will be inherent to the aforementioned research project.
Vacancies are open to Italian and foreign scholars who fulfill the following essential requirements:
* PhD in history or in a related subject;
* relevant professional experience acquired at Italian and/or international historical research centers;
* fluent spoken and written knowledge of one of the following languages: Italian, German, English; passive knowledge of one of the other two languages;
* track record of scientific publications in historical and/or cognate disciplines.
The following are desirable requirements:
* additional specializations;
* experience in project coordination;
* participation as a speaker in conferences in Italy or abroad;
* translating experience;
* teamwork skills.
Since the languages used in the workplace will be Italian, German, and English, applicants must have fluent spoken and written knowledge of one of these three languages as well as passive knowledge of one of the other two languages. In the event that a successful applicant should not have sufficient passive knowledge of one of the other two languages, he/she shall agree to attend an intensive course (at the Foundation's expenses) aimed at filling the gaps in his/her knowledge of that language.
All the applications have to be sent to the following address:, quoting reference code ISIG_2010.
Interested candidates are invited to visit our website for all the due details concerning the application.
All applications must be submitted by midnight on October, 25, 2010, at the latest.
Terms And Conditions Of Service
Successful candidates will be offered a fixed-term employment contract as researchers of the third-wage category (gross salary: 37,800 euros per annum [indicative amount]) for the duration of three years starting January 2011. Terms and conditions of this contract will comply with those of the "Contratto collettivo provinciale di lavoro per il personale delle Fondazioni" (= Provincial collective labor agreement for Foundations' personnel as defined by provincial law no. 14 of August, 2, 2005) as well as with any applicable individual labor law provisions.
10 Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in History
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - The Centro Per Gli Studi Storici Italo-Germanici
Trento - Italy
Within the context of its newly adopted 2011-2013 activity program, the Centro per gli Studi storici italo-germanici launches a 3-years project of research on the following topic: "Transition as a historiographical issue. The phases of the critical development of «modernity» 1494-1973" under the coordination of the Director of the Center, Prof. Paolo Pombeni.
The project focuses on the theme of 'transition' as a major category of interpretation of the passages that have remodeled what may be defined in general terms as "modernity", i.e. the period extending roughly from Renaissance humanism to the turning point of the 1970s. A detailed description of the project and its various subdivisions can be found in the document "Project_Transition as a historiographical issue"
Call For Applications And Admission Requirements
For said research project, applications are being accepted for 10 postdoctoral research fellowships. In compliance with the agreement on the process of stabilization of research personnel within the humanities department concluded on August, 5, 2010, between the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and trade unions, four of the aforementioned positions will be reserved for members of the staff of the Centro per gli Studi storici italo-germanici.
Researchers' activities will be inherent to the aforementioned research project.
Vacancies are open to Italian and foreign scholars who fulfill the following essential requirements:
* PhD in history or in a related subject;
* relevant professional experience acquired at Italian and/or international historical research centers;
* fluent spoken and written knowledge of one of the following languages: Italian, German, English; passive knowledge of one of the other two languages;
* track record of scientific publications in historical and/or cognate disciplines.
The following are desirable requirements:
* additional specializations;
* experience in project coordination;
* participation as a speaker in conferences in Italy or abroad;
* translating experience;
* teamwork skills.
Since the languages used in the workplace will be Italian, German, and English, applicants must have fluent spoken and written knowledge of one of these three languages as well as passive knowledge of one of the other two languages. In the event that a successful applicant should not have sufficient passive knowledge of one of the other two languages, he/she shall agree to attend an intensive course (at the Foundation's expenses) aimed at filling the gaps in his/her knowledge of that language.
All the applications have to be sent to the following address:, quoting reference code ISIG_2010.
Interested candidates are invited to visit our website for all the due details concerning the application.
All applications must be submitted by midnight on October, 25, 2010, at the latest.
Terms And Conditions Of Service
Successful candidates will be offered a fixed-term employment contract as researchers of the third-wage category (gross salary: 37,800 euros per annum [indicative amount]) for the duration of three years starting January 2011. Terms and conditions of this contract will comply with those of the "Contratto collettivo provinciale di lavoro per il personale delle Fondazioni" (= Provincial collective labor agreement for Foundations' personnel as defined by provincial law no. 14 of August, 2, 2005) as well as with any applicable individual labor law provisions.