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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Practical Action, Regional Director – East Africa Job Vacancy

Based in Nairobi – Competitive salary and benefits
Practical Action works closely with some of the world’s poorest people using simple technology to fight poverty and transform their lives for the better.
Practical Action is seeking a Regional Director to develop its programmes and explore new opportunities, both in Kenya and other countries in East Africa. Based in Nairobi, you will report to the International Operations Director in the UK and will be a member of Practical Action’s international management team, sharing responsibility for developing PA’s international strategies and policies.
This is an exceptional job, requiring an exceptional individual. You will lead Practical Action’s work in East Africa, driving change, supporting innovative programmes on the ground, complemented by a commitment to generating and sharing knowledge through a range of approaches including campaigning, a development information service and subsidiary consulting company
You will need to have a track record in leading highly motivated, creative and diverse multidisciplinary teams and proven sound financial management experience. You will also need to demonstrate a broad knowledge of international development issues and advocacy, as well as detailed understanding of the East Africa Region.
Candidates should hold a degree in a relevant technology, social science or information discipline and must have at least ten years’ relevant work experience and management in a similar environment, some of which should be in East Africa.
Suitably qualified applicants from within the East Africa region would be particularly welcome.
A competitive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate initially for a 5-year period. This is renewable at the end of each term based on performance.
The closing date for completed applications is 5th October 2010. Final interviews will be held during the week of 29th November in Nairobi.
How to apply
Application format
To apply for this post, please supply the following information:
  • a curriculum vitae (of no more than 2-3 sides of A4)
  • a covering letter (of no more than 2 sides of A4) explaining why you believe your skills and experience make you suitable for this position and specifically how you meet all the key skills, knowledge and experience on the Job Specification.
  • a completed Oxford HR Cover Sheet (OxHR) giving contact and referee details, downloadable from the Oxford HR website:
These documents should be saved in Word in the following format: First Name, Last Name, Document Name, and Date (mmyy) e.g. Karen Twining CV 0910; Karen Twining Cover Letter Practical Action 0910; Karen Twining OxHR 0910.
The above information should be sent to Karen Twining of Oxford HR Consultants by email to
The closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00 pm on Tuesday 5th October 2010.
Application procedure
Oxford HR will acknowledge receipt of applications and inform candidates whether they have been successful or not.
Interviews will take place in two stages:
  1. Initial discussion with Oxford HR (2nd half of October)
  2. Final interviews with Practical Action in Nairobi during the week of 29th November 2010.

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