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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Development Alternatives Inc (DAI) Financial Inclusion Program in Kenya Call for Resumes

Closing date: 30 Sep 2010
Location: Kenya – Nairobi
DAI, an international consulting firm based in the United States, is currently accepting applications from senior and mid-level candidates for long-term positions for an anticipated Financial Inclusion program in Kenya. This will include technical and/or financial assistance to help improve productivity and growth of agricultural and off-farm value chains through expanded financial services access to underserved groups.
Candidates sought for the following positions:
Rural and Agriculture Financial Product Development
  • Responsible for facilitating the development of value chain financial products suitable for the target groups.
  • Minimum of 10 years experience in product development, market research, and rural financial service expansion.
  • Kenyan citizenship
  • Master’s degree in economics, finance or other relevant training
  • Proven successful experience in expansion of agricultural finance services that can contribute directly to agricultural development, agribusiness and trade expansion.
  • Sound exposure to the development of savings and credit schemes targeting the youth and very poor.
Contracts Manager
  • Develop and lead a pre-selection process that provides opportunity for all qualified Kenyan and international experts and firms to submit their capability statements.
  • Prepare scopes of work and tender documents
  • Market tenders in appropriate national and international media
  • Responsible for setting contract award policy, and developing and enforcing procedures that assure equity and transparency in the contract award tendering process
  • Provide leadership in incorporating the outcomes of stakeholder dialogue and potential financial service provider identification efforts into competitive tenders for the facilitation of inclusive financial markets
  • Responsible for integration of cross-cutting issues including gender and youth mainstreaming into the design of financial inclusion activities
  • Provide leadership in all aspects of the Contractor’s financial accounting and reporting in accordance with USAID requirements. He/she may work with a project accountant to assure appropriate use of grant funds and that accounting and performance reports meet project and USAID standards
  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Development Studies or any other relevant discipline
  • Five years working experience with USAID or other USG financial management/contract-making programs
  • Kenyan citizenship
Also seeking candidates with the following technical skills:
  • Contracts and Grants Management
  • Development of private sector linkages and alliances
  • MSME financing
  • Experience in working with gender and youth
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates should e-mail CV and cover letter to In the Subject Line, please refer to the position you are applying to. No phone inquiries will be accepted.

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