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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vacancy

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), which promotes participation in public policy development through research and informed debate, is looking for a new Chief Executive Officer.

The IEA, a membership organization, currently runs programmes on public financial management, regulation and competition policy, trade and futures planning.

The Position

The Position reports to the Board of Directors through the Chairperson and is responsible for providing leadership for the organization in the delivery of its mission.

  1. Strategic Leadership
  2. Institutional Management
  3. Governance
  4. Public Relations
  5. Resource Mobilization and Management
Qualifications and Competencies
  • A minimum Masters degree in a relevant field, preferably development studies, law, economics, public policy or political economy
  • Demonstrable experience in public policy research
  • At least two years experience in research and advocacy on public policy, Good persuasion and influence skills
  • Proven leadership qualities and demonstrable management skills
For detailed explanation for this announcement, please visit the announcement section of the IEA website –

An attractive remuneration package will be offered.

If you meet the requirements for the position, kindly write to the undersigned, enclosing an application letter, detailed curriculum vitae with references, salary expectations and a daytime contact.

The closing date for applications is September 24th 2010.

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Attention: Search for a Chief Executive Officer
Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)
P O Box 53989 Nairobi 00200

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