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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Geothermal Development Company Provision of Drilling Consultancy Services

Tender No. GDC/HQS/EOI/010/2010:2011
Geothermal Development Company Ltd has purchased two (2) drilling rigs for geothermal drilling in Menengai geothermal prospect. GDC therefore invites expression of interest for drilling consultancy services from eligible
firms or individuals.
Interested and eligible consultants/firms may obtain a detailed guideline for expression of interest from the office of Manager, Supply Chain upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh 3000 between 9.00am and 4.00pm during normal working day.
Completed expression of interest clearly marked with the tender reference and the description should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes addressed to:
The Managing Director,
Geothermal Development Company Ltd
9th Floor, Taj Tower, Upper Hill
P.O Box 100746
And deposited in the tender Box provided on the 9th Floor, Taj Tower, Upper Hill not later than 6th October 2010 1400Hrs.
Late expression of interest will not be accepted.

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