1.0 The Background and Context
Sub-Saharan Africa is heavily burdened by HIV and AIDS with an estimated 22.4 million people living with HIV in the region.
The social and economic consequences of HIV and AIDS are already widely felt, not only in the health sector but also in education, industry, agriculture, transport, human resources and the economy in general. In effect, the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa threatens to devastate whole communities, rolling back decades of development progress.
While increased funding has enabled the scale-up of provision of essential HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services, it has also placed a significant strain on already overstretched country systems and capacities to absorb these resources and translate them into effective results on the ground. Timely and quality assured technical support is therefore needed to ensure that the resources available for AIDS are used most effectively and efficiently. In addressing this challenge, UNAIDS established “Technical Support Facilities” (TSF) to facilitate country partners’ access technical support related to their HIV and AIDS response. These TSFs provide experienced, quality-assured consultants to help country partners design and support the implementation of HIV and AIDS programs aimed at addressing challenges in the areas of strategic and operational planning, Global Fund proposal development and grant implementation, institutional development, resource mobilization and tracking, monitoring and evaluation, management and in thematic areas such as gender, injecting drug use, sex work, migration among others.
The overarching purpose of the TSFs is to build national and regional capacity to effectively respond to the AIDS epidemic.
2.0 The Technical Support Facility for Eastern Africa (TSF-EA)
Technical Support Facility Eastern Africa (TSF EA) has been established to improve access to timely; quality assured short-term technical assistance (STTA) in strategic areas of planning and management of the scale up of national HIV and AIDS responses.
The TSF EA is supported by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) as part of its strategy to strengthen co-ordination and capacity for effective HIV and AIDS responses in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The TSF EA is hosted by the Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) based in Nairobi, Kenya and is supported by, International Planned Parenthood Federation – Africa Region (IPPFAR) and the International HIV & AIDS Alliance family (the Alliance).
TSF-EA services are available to National AIDS Commissions or other coordinating authority, Health and other Ministries, donor and UN agencies, NGOs, FBOs, CSOs as well as other national and international stakeholders in the HIV and AIDS response.
3.0 The Consultant Database
To ensure that TSF EA responds to client needs on a timely manner, we have embarked on the process of updating and building our consultant database.
We therefore seek Consultants with technical skills in the following areas, that are also aligned to the 10 priority areas and cross cutting strategies of the UNAIDS Outcome Framework 2009-2011:
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Resource tracking
- Strategic and operational planning
- Costing and budgeting
- Management, including financial management
- Organisational development
- Partnership development
- Gender & HIV and AIDS
- Prevention, care & treatment of HIV and AIDS
- Working with key populations in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
- Global Fund planning, proposal writing, implementation
- Other Thematic Areas (Health promotion, Advocacy, legislative and policy analysis, communicable/infectious disease control, environmental health, Family Planning and HIV integration)
Interested consultants should kindly fill and submit the online Consultant Registration Form found on the TSF Eastern Africa website, www.tsfeasternafrica.org and in addition send an updated CV/Resume to consultant.tsfea@cafs.org.
The deadline for these submissions is September 30, 2010.