A very positive development in the renewable energy sector has come along through Butterfly Works. www.butterflyworks.org
Butterfly Works is involved in the organization of the Maker Faire Africa 2010, which is a celebration of African ingenuity, innovation and invention. Make Faire Africa will bring together hundreds of makers in a variety of fields, to absorb, interact, and learn from each other's
creativity. The Faire will feature workshops and key notes, in addition to exhibitions in the areas of arts & craft, science, engineering, (web)design, robotics, agriculture and environment. Please check www.makerfaireafrica.com
The Maker Faire will be held at the university of Nairobi at 27 and 28 of August.
During the faire Butterfly Works will facilitate a solar workshop in which we target youth, for them to learn how to make their own solar lamps. Please find attached some more information about the workshop.
We have planned for 4 workshops (in 2 days) of 3,5 hours and we are looking for youth (groups) that are interested to participate in them and we are looking for a groups of approximately 15 people.
For the groups of youth that are interested in the workshop, please get in touch with me or Hanja Holm directly on Email: hanja@butterflyworks.org
Looking forward to another very enlightening session where the youth can learn how to make their own solar lamps as we move towards extinguishing the dependency on Kerosene Lamps in Kenya