Consultant for Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Project Evaluation (Ministry of Health)
Juba, Sudan
Company Profile: Management Systems International (MSI) is a global international development firm based in Washington, D.C. providing specialized short- and long-term technical assistance. Today, it has over 100 projects under management worldwide and its technical expertise has been expanded to include implementation of a range of analytical and field projects in democracy and governance, economic growth, organizational capacity building, education, and natural resource management. At the beginning of 2008, MSI joined Coffey International, Ltd., a global multi-disciplinary professional services organization with offices in 20 countries around the world. MSI became a part of Coffey International Development (Coffey ID), one of seven divisions which comprise the Coffey Group. Together, we aspire to create extraordinary outcomes for our clients, our staff and the communities in which we work. For more information on MSI, please visit our website at
Project/Proposal Summary:
MSI was awarded a three-year contract with USAID/Sudan on a project named SUPPORT (Services Under Program and Project Offices for Results Tracking), and tasked with the responsibility of executing functions normally associated with USAID’s Program and Communications offices. As a part of the SUPPORT project, MSI is currently establishing an office compound suitable for USAID and partner meetings in Southern Sudan, hiring technical and support staff and facilitating VIP visits. For more information on our Sudan project (Services Under Program and Project Offices for Results Tracking – SUPPORT) please follow this link:
Position Summary: MSI is seeking a consultant to assess the field support model used by the SPS project and review impact to date. Secondary objectives will be to determine whether a follow-on of the project or continuation of the field support model would be appropriate and also how the model fits within the USAID Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) policy. This is a short term technical assignment with an expected duration from mid June – mid July, 2010. The consultant will serve as a Team Leader to team which will be comprised of three more individuals (one representative of USAID, one GOSS representative and one representative of the implementing partner).
• GOSS, USAID/Sudan, and IP team members will provide historical, contextual and programmatic background information that will inform the assessment.
• Participate in the Team Planning Meeting (TPM), field visits, interviews, brainstorming on Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations, and in the frequent reflections on evaluation learning, often occurring after a long day of interviews and traveling.
• These individuals participate as representatives of their respective organizations and are expected to share their learning with their home organizations so that all three key organizations are kept abreast of progress.
• The External Evaluator will take the lead in conducting the evaluation, in close cooperation with other team members, leading interviews, framing the analysis, facilitating group discussion and consensus, preparing for the debriefing, and drafting the evaluation report.
• The External Evaluator will also serve as the overall Evaluation Team Leader and will take lead responsibility for managing the team, organizing its work, and promoting quality control and delivery of a final report acceptable to USAID.
• All team members should be present for the TPM and for initial briefings and discussions with USAID’s Health Office and other Mission officers, as well as IP and GOSS officials. A Work Plan and travel program for the in-country visit as well as the subsequent report writing period will be submitted to USAID for approval during the first few days of work in Juba. The Work Plan will also include a schedule for periodic MSI and USAID progress reports and possible submissions of specific work products, as determined by the parties.
• The team will spend a majority of its time in Juba, but will also travel to sites in Central and Eastern Equatoria.
• Approximately four days prior to departure the Evaluation Team will present to USAID, Implementing Partners, and the GOSS an out-briefing, with succinct supporting documents. The Draft Evaluation Report will be submitted prior to the External Evaluator’s departure from Juba.
• The Mission and the IP will each submit their respective comments on the draft report within ten working days of receipt the draft report. The Draft Final Report will be submitted to USAID fifteen working days after the Team Leader’s receipt of USAID’s and the IP’s final written comments on the draft.
• It is envisioned that the External Evaluator will be in Sudan the entire duration of the evaluation’s in-country component (six-day work weeks are authorized), including the TPM, a debriefing, and submission of a draft report to MSI’s COP or AME prior to departure from Sudan. In addition to travel days, additional days are provided for the External Evaluator to complete reading and processing all background information prior to departure for Sudan. Additional days are provided to finalize the report.
• Strong skills in assessment and analysis of USAID projects, especially with health programs;
• Extensive experience working in East Africa, Sudan, and/or similar post conflict environments;
• Facilitation experience, experience leading participatory evaluations, or at least evaluations where evaluation teams include critical stakeholders as active participants; and
• Experience arranging meetings, setting up travel schedules for field visits, reporting on meeting outcomes, and generally managing the logistics of the evaluation (although significant logistical assistance will be provided by the SUPPORT team in Juba).
• Experience in implementing or evaluating the following:
o Health Sector reform
o Health Systems Management
o Health System Strengthening
o Monitoring and Evaluation and management information systems management
o Performance-Based contracts with USAID
o Decentralization
o Pharmaceutical management systems
o Malaria Control Programs (not required, but would be useful)
Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
Consultant for Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Project Evaluation (Ministry of Health) Juba, Sudan
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