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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PhD Studentship, De Montfort University

Social Aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Working with Professor Lorraine Culley at De Montfort University (DMU). Applications are invited for a PhD candidate wishing to explore social aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs). Potential projects include public perceptions of techniques such as egg freezing, attitudes to donation of gametes for assisted conception, or attitudes to PGD. However, applicants may propose alternative topics, within the broad remit of applying social scientific understanding to ARTs. The studentship builds on existing work on ARTs carried out by Professor Culley and Dr Nicky Hudson. For more information about the proposed project please contact Professor Culley at

This research opportunity is one of 15 scholarships funded by DMU in 2010/11 to build on our excellent achievements in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. It will develop the University's research capacity into new and evolving areas of study, enhancing DMU's national and international research partnerships.

Applications are invited from candidates with a minimum of a good first degree (2:1 or above) in Sociology or a related social science subject, and preferably a Master's-level qualification. An understanding of mixed-methods and qualitative research, and a keen interest in the socio-political context of ARTs are essential. Doctoral scholarships are available for up to three years' full-time study starting October 2010 and provide a bursary of £13,500pa in addition to all University tuition fees.

Applicants should contact the Faculty Research Office to receive an admission pack, which requires a full CV with two supporting references. Please email or call +44 (0)116 257 7118 or +44 (0)116 207 8798 for further details.

Please quote ref: DMU Scholarships 2010

Closing date: 02 August 2010

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