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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vijana Maarufu (VIMA) Development Group Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services

Vijana Maarufu (VIMA) Development Group is an OVC centred NGO based in Kisumu.
The organisation supports OVCs to access livelihoods, education, nutrition, health and psychosocial support services.
To inform our expansion, we are looking for a consultant to undertake a participatory organisational review, capacity assessment and conduct an evaluation of the current project. He/she will develop a strategic plan including delivery and required resources plans. The findings will give VIMA an opportunity to re-plan and re-launch for greater impact in the overall best interest of the beneficiaries.OVC.
Requirements: Interested firms/individuals should have: proven experience in high level OVCs programme evaluation, experience in strategic planning processes and costing, community based organisations’ capacity building, staff appraisals; and strong methodology and writing and presentation competences.
The review will be conducted within a period of not more than 35 days.
Expression of interest
Interested firms/individuals are requested to submit electronic copies of an expression of interest both technical and financial (in US $), capability statement and CVs of lead consultants, two similar pieces of past work, contacts for three independent referees (which should be organisations you have worked with or for in similar capacities as the proposed work).
All applications should be sent to:, to reach the organization before 10th September, 2010

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