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Saturday, September 4, 2010

SENIOR ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT 11- Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI)

Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) was established by the Act of Parliament NO.6 of 1980 to promote, conduct, supervise, and co-ordinate fisheries research in Tanzania. The Institute is governed by the Board of Directors. This Institute is comprised of four Centres and one Substation: Mwanza Centre and Sota Substation on Lake Victoria, Kigoma Centre on Lake Tanganyika, Kyela Centre on Lake Nyasa (Malawi) and Oar es Salaam Centre on the Indian Ocean. The Institute Headquarters is located at Kunduchi in Dar es Salaam.

a) Duty station - Head Office and Kyela

b) Qualifications

Holder of National Form IV/VI Certificate holders with Final Stage Module E.

c) Duties and responsibilities

• To prepare quarterly and annual final accounts re'po .

• To prepare estimates.

• To post subsidiary registers, staff debtors, sundry debtors and creditors, fixed assets, investment etc.

• To perform any other duties assigned.

d) Terms of Engagement: Permanent and pensionable.

Mode of application

If you meet requirements for the above-mentioned positions please submit your hand written application with a detailed CV and photocopies of Academic Certificates and testimonials plus names and addresses of at least two referees to:-

Director General,

Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, P.O. Box 9750, DAR ES SALAAM

Deadline: The applications should be submitted to the above address within 21 days.

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