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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Save the Children, Area Programme Manager – Puntland

Job Title: Area Programme Manager – Puntland
Duty Station: Garowe with frequent travel to Project areas
Reports to: Regional Manager – North
Line Management responsibility: Project Managers and Field support Staff.
Budget Responsibility: As Budget holder, overall responsible for the coordination, monitoring and timely reporting of budget allocated to the Puntland and to programmes run from the office
Grade: 3.1. (international Contract) – GBP 29,078 per annum
Contract Length: 12 months
Save the Children has a long history of engagement in Somalia stretching as far back as 1954. In more recent times (since 1992) Save the Children UK has maintained an operational office in Hiran Region in what is now called as the Central South Zone of Somalia and since 2000, both Save the Children Denmark and UK have been working in what is now the self proclaimed republic of Somaliland.
In response to the Tsunami that hit the coast of Puntland in 2004 Save the Children UK established an office in Puntland State and continued to undertake programmes from this office while Save the Children Denmark in Puntland worked through partners. In the past two years Save the Children Finland has been supporting both Save the Children Denmark and UK with funding.
The programmes previously being run or supported separately by Save the Children Denmark, Finland and United Kingdom have followed the global initiative of the Save the Children Alliance and unified as from January 2010 with Save the Children UK as the managing member.
This had increased significantly the work carried out in Somalia/Somaliland led to a much larger and complex single programme.
The security situation in CSS remains extremely serious while in Puntland, although there is no open conflict, criminal incidents, and in particular kidnapping, present a major threat to international staff. Currently rural areas of Puntland remain off-limits to senior international staff and this poses some challenges in providing supervision and monitoring field activities.
However the major towns of Puntland have been recently opened up to travel by international staff. Security in Somaliland has remained relatively good. Presidential elections have been conducted in late June and new government took office on the 27th of July 2010. It is this stability in Somaliland that has encouraged the unified programme to establish most of the national support functions of the programme in Hargeisa alongside the Somaliland operational team and field office support functions. The national support functions established in the Hargeisa office include finance, logistics, and human resources.
After the unification The Nairobi office continued to accommodate some key senior staff who are responsible  for fundraising, networking and advocacy activities but the expense of maintaining these staff demands that the number be kept to a minimum. Currently SC’s programmes in Centeral South Somalia (CSS), Puntland and Somaliland are managed by two regional managers responsible for CSS and Somaliland/Puntland programs.
The two regional managers report to the Deputy Country Director/Programme Director who is answerable to the Country Director.
Operationally the regional managers receive direct support from operational managers/units line managed by Country Director including Finance/Grants, Logistics, Human Resources and Emergency.
The programmes current run in Puntland include education (primary education and training of teachers), skills training and employment promotion services, emergency health and nutrition and integrated emergency child support. Some of the programmes are run through consortium of international organisations and other solely by Save the Children.
Job Purpose
The Area Programme Manager as the senior representative of Save the Children in Puntland is responsible for networking with other agencies and partners and government for coordinating all programme activities undertaken in Puntland. The role has responsibility for seeking opportunities for expanding our work for children in the area. The Manager will working with the Regional Manager – (Somaliland and Puntland) and other Country Leadership Team
members to ensure that the Puntland programme evolves in line with SC national and global priorities.
Key Accountabilities
1. Representation and Advocacy
  • Represent Save the Children in Puntland, network and maintain relationships with government authorities, donors and INGOs/NGOs and partners in Puntland
  • Ensure that government and NGO partners have clear understanding of Save the Children’s vision, mission, goals and guiding policies and strategies
2. Working with Partners and Providers
  • Participate in identification of potential partners within Puntland and in assessing their capacity to work with SC in our work with and for children.
  • Ensure that all new partners, suppliers and agents of any sort with whom SC might engage have been properly vetted according to SC’s procedures and requirements
  • Oversee that local implementing partners are discharging their responsibilities, live up to stipulations stated in the partnership agreement and take appropriate action
  • Ensure that all agreements with partners include a section of their agreement to abide by the SC Child Safeguarding policy.
  • Ensure that no agreements are signed with any partners or providers without the prior consent of the Regional Manager.
3. Program development, Planning, Co-ordination and Reporting
  • Take the overall responsibility in guiding and coordinating the program in Puntland Initiate and contribute to discussions on the formulation of new program ideas and assist in project proposal development ensuring that logistics, HR and financial considerations are taken fully into account.
  • Ensure that project managers working in Puntland keep strictly to donors’ and SC’s compliance requirements and in particular in relation to procurement, the management of assets secured though donor grants and in producing acceptable narrative and accurate financial reports in a timely manner.
  • Ensure that all programme activities are undertaken in a transparent manner particularly in the identification of partners and beneficiaries
  • Ensure that the quality of the programs/projects is maintained through an effective monitoring system and that accurate data and information documented and reported according to requirements.
  • Ensure that project reports are timely prepared and submitted using donor reporting requirements to the regional manager and program manager who will be responsible to review, compile and submit the reports to Country Office.
  • Submit to the regional manager internal monthly management reports on activities undertaken in the region
  • Maintain effective and smooth communications with key SC colleagues including finance, grants, managers as well as SC County Offices (Hargeisa and Nairobi) and technical advisors as required.
4. Financial, Budget and Property Management
  • In close collaboration with the Grant/Finance and Compliance Manager, ensure that all budgets (donors and SC’s own resources) provided through the Puntland office are managed in line with SC’s minimum standards and donor requirements.
  • In this to chair monthly finance meetings held on the prescribed date involving all budget holders operating from Puntland and the appropriate support staff , and that a report providing a detailed variance analysis of each budget is submitted to the Regional Manager and Finance and Grants Manager by the prescribed time.
  • Establish and maintain a two-way supportive relations between finance staff and budget holders through joint programme and financial progress monitoring; and establishing effective communication between them
  • Responsible for the safety and maintenance of all SC’s assets in Puntland ensuring that an up to date asset register is maintained and that the logistics officer provides the required monthly reports to the national logistics manager. All assets issued to staff must be recorded and recovered from staff upon termination of their employment.
  • Ensure the application of SC’s guidelines on procurement promote transparency and highlights that failure to adhere strictly to these, apart from causing a loss of funding through disallows from donors, is a serious disciplinary offence.
  • Ensure that effective financial control systems are in place to deter and avoid fraud and take actions to address suspected fraud immediately. Related to this to undertake at least one unannounced cash count in the present of the finance officer and logistician.
  • Ensure that project financial reports are prepared and submitted to the regional manager and finance/grants manager.
5. Leadership, HR Management and Development
  • Ensure that personnel policies and guidelines for national staff are adhered to in executing human resource management activities: recruitment, induction, placement, promotion, training/development and separation/termination
  • Promote a motivating working environment through teamwork approaches and ensure that staff members are regularly communicated on developments within SC through emails, updates, announcements and regular staff meetings
  • Ensure that all staff employed with Save the Children have contracts, hold an up to date copy of the terms and conditions of services and have access to a copy of the more detailed HR manual.
  • Ensure that all staff employed through the Puntland office have signed up to and adhere to the Save the Children Code of Conduct.
  • Ensure that the Puntland office clearly displays an up to date guideline to staff for reporting on breaches of the Code of Conduct and the Safeguarding Children policy.
  • Ensure that all other SC minimum standards are met and to strive towards maintaining the global human resources departments minimum standards in the “green” zone. Important amongst these is to ensure the bi annual performance review process is in place and that national technical managers (whether in programmes or support) review the technical performance of staff and that this is included in the assessment made of their performance by the Area Manager.
  • Support the HR/Admin Officer in Consolidating the Human Resource Training and development requirements of staff of the Puntland office and submit them to the Regional Manager
  • Confirm that all HR actions are consistent with the labour laws of the Puntland government. Ensure staff responsibilities are well-defined and understood; performance objectives are set against work plans and regularly monitored
  • To chair meetings of the senior management team, as constituted by the Regional Manager, that meets and discuss regularly on major program and administrative matters pertaining to the Puntland office and that the minutes of the same are shared with the Regional Manager. Ensure that female staff are adequately represented in this forum even if not senior managers and that they have been selected by the women staff within the office.
6. Administration
  • Oversee the introduction and application of appropriate administrative systems and procedures for office management, services, etc.
  • Ensure that clear and effective communication system and procedures are in place and are adhered to by all staff.
7. Security
  • Responsible for the security safety of all staff attached to the Puntland programme
  • Responsible for maintaining an up to date understanding and analysis of the political and security situation in Puntland and for reporting on this to the Regional Manager and Security Manager as requested or if any significant change occurs
  • Immediately communicate to the Regional Manager and the Security Manager all security incidents (as defined in the security guidelines) that affect Save the children – directly or indirectly
  • Take necessary measures to ensure the safety of all staff of SC in the region. This includes ensuring the adherence to SC’s security policies and guidelines and ensuring that plans are in place in the event of the need to close the office as a result of insecurity.
8. General statement of responsibility
  • Comply with all relevant Save the Children policies and procedures with respect to child protection, the Code of Conduct, Health and safety, fraud, whistle blowing, equal opportunities and other relevant policies
  • Comply with the Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs) and other established policies, plans and procedures within the criteria set
  • Account for SC’s assets and interests and safeguard from loss arising from fraud, waste, weak administration and poor value for money
  • Ensure that all transactions that might have a financial consequence are legal and transparent, taking professional advice where appropriate
  • Perform other tasks as requested by his/her immediate supervisor.
Working Contacts
Internal: All members of the Puntland SMT and regional (north) SMT, all staff in the Puntland programme as well as support staff based in the Hargeisa or Nairobi Offices.
External: Appropriate government authorities/offices, partners and other stakeholders in Puntland.
Code of Conduct
Because Save the Children’s work is based on deeply held values and principles, it is essential that our commitment to children’s rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff. Save the Children’s Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to.
Person Specification
  • Degree or similar in the field of social sciences (development management, management, sociology, etc.) or related.
  • Substantial experience (at least eight years) in development and management of humanitarian and development programmes in conflict affected countries
  • Experience in the leadership/direction, development, implementation, monitoring and reporting of multi donor, multi-site field programmes, including direct management and supervisory experience.
  • Proven ability to develop and lead a high performing team.
  • Proven past experience in and understanding of at least two of SC’s core objectives of child protection, Health, education/training, and/or livelihoods.
  • A thorough understanding of children’s rights and of Child Rights programming.
  • Excellent written communications skills including proposal/report-writing and experience in representation.
  • Experience of working collaboratively with local and national government, with NGO partners and a commitment to working through systems of community participation.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s vision, mission, values and principles.
  • Flexible and able to cope with difficult and unsocial working conditions and able to travel up to 50 per-cent of the time. The working week in Somalia is 6 days.
Our selection processes reflect our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.
Our people are as diverse as the challenges we face.
Applications should be forwarded to:
Application Closing Date: Saturday 22nd September 2010, 15:00 pm
Save the Children is an equal opportunity employer and highly encourages women to apply.

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