Republic of Kenya
Office of the President
National Aids Control Council (NACC)
Office of the President
National Aids Control Council (NACC)
Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services to Conduct a Capacity Needs Assessment in the Public Sector
The National AIDS Control Council is mandated to coordinate the fight against HIV and AIDS as a national response in meeting the priority target areas under the KNASP 2005/6-2012/13.,and its negative effects mainly through
(a) Providing policy and strategic direction
(b) coordinating mobilization, effective and efficient use of resources and
(c) Coordination of stakeholders within a multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS. This coordinative role is recognized by stakeholders within the framework of internationally accepted “Three Ones “Principle.
This capacity needs assessment intends to cover all the Public Sector ministries,40 Statutory Bodies including State Corporations, Local Authorities, The Teaching Service and Discipline/Uniformed services together with their selected sub-ACUs. The Public Institutions have been actively been engaged in the national response to HIV and AIDS through AIDS Control Units ( ACUs)
The current available epidemiological data in Kenya implies the urgency for scale up of prevention of new infections, improving quality of life and mitigating the socio-economic impact of HIV and AIDS in the Public sector. All Public
Institutions are expected to scale up internal and external HIV and AIDS mainstreaming programmes. However capacity to implement internal and external mainstreaming programmes and activities has been a major challenge.
The specific tasks under this consultancy will include:
- To establish the capacity status of the Public Institutions implementing sectoral HIV mainstreaming programmes in relation to KNASP priority areas, ACUs terms of reference and MTEF sector-specific core mandates and comparative advantages.
- To assess the public sector capacity needs, identify gaps and capacity best practices for replication.
- To make appropriate recommendations for public sector capacity development based on the findings of the public sector capacity needs assessment.
- To develop a comprehensive plan of action and design a costed national public sector capacity development programme for effective public sector response to HIV and AIDS in Kenya
The assignment is for an estimated period of Thirty (30) days.
National AIDS Control Council now invites eligible Consultancy firms to express their interest in providing the consultancy services.
Interested consultancy firms must provide information indicating that they have qualified staff to undertake this consultancy. They should provide brochures, description of similar assignments undertaken. The information should include names and addresses of at least 2 clients that the consultancy firm has worked with in the past 2 years.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines; Selection and
Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (published by association in May 2004 and revised October 2006).
Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (published by association in May 2004 and revised October 2006).
Expression of interest should be submitted in a plain envelop clearly marked ‘Expression of interest to carry out Public sector capacity needs assessment. Interested consultancy firms may obtain further information and details from the address below, or at Procurement Div- 8th Floor during office hours 0800H to 1700H from Monday to Friday except public holidays in Kenya.
Expression of interest must be received at the address below not later than September 24, 2010 at 12.30 pm.
The Director,
National AIDS Control Council,
Landmark Plaza, 9th Floor,
Opposite The Nairobi Hospital,
P.O.Box 61307-00200,
Tel +254 020 2711261 / 2715109/2715144
Fax +254 020 2711072
National AIDS Control Council,
Landmark Plaza, 9th Floor,
Opposite The Nairobi Hospital,
P.O.Box 61307-00200,
Tel +254 020 2711261 / 2715109/2715144
Fax +254 020 2711072