I Choose Life – Africa (ICL) is one of the leading Non-Governmental Organizations that has contributed greatly to HIV prevention efforts among the youth in Kenya today.
The organization has programs in over 30 institutions (tertiary institutions and high schools) across six provinces in Kenya and reaches over 1 million youth annually with behavior change communication messages. ICL’s vision is to see ‘an AIDS free Africa.
Her goal is to contribute to the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan. ICL’s mission is to create a movement of caring communities among students that make responsible and informed choices with regards to Life and HIV & AIDS through prevention, care and support and mitigation of socio-economic impact.
We are seeking a suitable person to fill in the position of a Monitoring & Evaluations Officer
The details of the vacancy are as follows:
Job Title: M & E Officer
Job Analyst :P roject Manager
Location: Nairobi
Job Purpose
The incumbent will be responsible for guiding the overall M&E strategy including set up of the project M&E system, implementation and communication of all M&E related activities within the ABC project plus providing timely and relevant information and reports to project stakeholders. They will therefore take a lead role in planning for, conducting and reporting on all M&E activities of the project. In addition, the M&E Officer will supervise the collection of qualitative and quantitative data of program activities within the project and setting up systems that facilitate accurate, consistent and timely reports.
Key Roles & Responsibilities Include (But Are Not Limited To):
1. Help in the revision of the project log frame matrix, particularly in the areas of the objective hierarchy, indicators and monitoring mechanisms.
2. Manage the M&E systems that measures the effectiveness of project initiatives
3. Develop procedures for assessing quality programming and impact and prepare and monitor the program’s Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP).
4. Review monitoring reports, analyze them for impact evaluation and to identify the causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation.
5. Check that monitoring data are discussed in the appropriate forum and in a timely fashion in terms of implications for future action. If necessary, create such discussion forums to fill any gaps.
6. Collaborate with staff and implementing partners on qualitative monitoring to provide relevant information for ongoing evaluation of project activities, effects and impacts.
7. Develop the overall framework for project M& like the annual project reviews, participatory impact assessments, process monitoring, operations monitoring and lessons learned workshops.
8. Review monitoring reports, analyse them for impact evaluation and to identify the cause of potential bottlenecks in project implementation
9. Track quarterly progress of program activities
10. Oversee the collection of qualitative and quantitative data and updates reports
11. Conducts research and evaluation activities relative to the project initiatives
12. Generate accurate and timely data reports in compliance with the donor procedures and agreements.
13. Design tools to improve data processing and reporting
14. Participate integrally in project implementation of activities such as training and outreach.
15. Prepare reports on M&E findings, as required, working closely with the Financial Accountant , technical staff and implementing partners.
16. Guide the regular sharing of the outputs of M&E findings with project staff, implementing partners and primary stakeholders.
17. In collaboration with the accountant, provide the project Program with management information that they may require.
18. Make regular reports to the management, highlighting areas of concern and preparing the documentation for review at meetings.
Academic qualifications, experience, skills and personality desired:-
1. Master’s Degree in Social Sciences and ideally above 2 years experience in the field of monitoring and evaluation system design.
2. Competence in qualitative and quantitative study design and implementation.
3. Extensive experience with monitoring program implementation using qualitative and quantitative approaches.
4. Solid grounding in data analysis packages such as SAS or SPSS and database management systems.
5. Experience in developing and coordinating data collection, processing and analysis systems.
6. Ability to balance work within a team environment while also working independently.
7. Ability to prioritize and manage activities with minimum supervision.
8. Strong organizational, communication, computer, and interpersonal skills.
9. Excellent technical writing skills.
10. Strong analytical skills and aptitude for details.
11. Demonstrable organizational and troubleshooting skills.
12. Strong interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills.
Application And Contact Details:
Interested qualified candidates are requested to submit a letter, a resume and names of three references to hr@ichooselife.or.ke by September 30, 2010. To ensure timely review of your credentials, please insert “Monitoring and Evaluation Officer” in the subject line of the email.
Please note that only candidates who are being invited for an interview will be contacted .Please note that communication will be done via email.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monitoring & Evaluations Officer Job.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Categories: Monitoring and Evaluation, Non-Governmental
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