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Thursday, September 9, 2010

MFI Credit Officers Vacancies

Job purpose: To promote, recruit, appraise, provide financial services, and collect repayments of the Microfinance operations with the aim of attaining the MFI's Vision and Mission.

Qualifications/ competencies and experience
  • Diploma in Micro Finance, Banking, Co-op Management, Entrepreneurship, administration/management.
  • 2 years and above experience in Microfinance institution.
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Able to work within given strict deadlines.
  • High degree of integrity.
  • Excellent communication and customer handling skills.
  • Outreach, market and promote microfinance activities in line with MFI’s Mission and Vision.
  • Recruit Microfinance clients as per the client load parameters.
  • Appraise, disburse and follow up repayments in his/her portfolio.
  • Train Microfinance clients to mobilize savings and adhere to good borrowing principles.
  • Risk management: Good asset quality; client retention, prepare and provide performance reports.
Qualified candidates are invited to send their application letters, an up-to-date CV, telephone contact, current remuneration and three professional referees to: .

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