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Monday, September 6, 2010

Handicap International Vacancies - Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Position:      Monitoring  and Evaluation Officer 
Responsible to: Regional Coordinator – Diabetes Project
Location:       Nairobi  
Closing date :     Open  
Handicap International is an INGO specialising in the field of disability and development. A strong emphasis is placed on empowering people with disabilities through their integration into mainstream development activities and the provision of appropriate health and rehabilitation services to ensure equal opportunities for all.


The Diabetes in East Africa Region Project aims to jumpstart community-level action in response to the emerging threat of diabetes in rural communities where Handicap International has longstanding relationships with health ministries and local stakeholders. In addition, with links to the international community, including the International Diabetes Federation, the project support efforts to create awareness at the global level of the needs and local responses by those most impacted by the disease. Using knowledge gained by various groups in the region, the project aims first at reinforcing the health system response at the primary health care and secondary and tertiary care levels. Linking health services with community outlets will enhance their accessibility and affordability for the rural population. Stakeholders will look at solutions to key operational barriers in provision of affordable drugs. Awareness campaigns and local, national and international mechanisms of knowledge sharing will inform general population on the disease, its related risks and possible measures of prevention.
The project promotes local ownership and seeks to demonstrate how integrated diabetes management (prevention, care, rehabilitation) needs to become a priority at every level. Establishing and facilitating exchange of experience based on lessons learned and best practices will contribute to maximize and avail expertise within the 3 target countries (Burundi, Kenya and Tanzania) and beyond. 
Summary of Key Functions 
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer for Diabetes in East Africa Region Project will provide technical assistance in the main following areas:
    • Quality assurance for project planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
    • Capacity building of project team and partners in project monitoring, evaluation and reporting area.
    • Knowledge management (identification and dissemination of lessons learnt and good practices from the project implementation).
Based in Nairobi with frequent travels to Western Kenya, Burundi and Tanzania and under the supervision of the Regional Project Coordinator, the M&E Officer will :
  1. Coordinate and follow the smooth running of project monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities. 
  2. Define/adapt Monitoring and Evaluation plan for the project and conduct regular visits to field. 
  3. Work closely with project teams in developing monitoring and reporting tools.
  4. Develop and update indicators tracking monitoring tools in collaboration with Project Managers/ officers and Regional Coordinator.
  5. Organise relevant project and partners staff trainings, especially in the areas of:  data collection, development of data collection tools, data analysis and proper use of data for decision making.
  6. Keep track of regular and timely submission of reports and prepare regional quarterly and annual reports.
  7. Contribute to a wide organisational learning process by preparing newsletters and disseminating data, lessons learned, best practices, qualitative and anecdotal evidence provided by activities implemented in the field.
  8. Develop an appropriate documentation and dissemination system related to the various activities of the project.
If you feel you are the right candidate for this position, kindly send your application along with an up-to-date CV(including 3 referees and their current contacts) by email :- . The email subject line should be marked: “Application for ME Officer position”
NB: Applications will be processed as they are received and interviews conducted until the appropriate candidate is selected. Please do not send your academic and other testimonials they will be requested at a later stage. 
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.   
Any kind of lobbying on behalf of applicants or canvassing will lead to immediate disqualification. 
Handicap International is an Equal Opportunity Employer - Females and Persons with Disability are encouraged to apply

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Monitoring and Evaluation

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