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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Elex Products Sales Executives

A leading manufacturer of cleaning detergents, disinfectants and allied sanitation chemicals is seeking to hire on long term contract, experienced sales & marketing executives.
  • Degree/Diploma in Sales & Marketing
  • Proven experience in sales & marketing in this field of FMCG above 3 years is essential.
  • Ability to work under minimum supervision to exploit an attractive sales commission in addition to a retainer salary package upon achieving specific sales targets is a must.
High achievers will have an opportunity to rise to management positions as regional managers that currently exist within the company.
If you posses the above qualities, please send your application, full CV and copies of relevant certificates giving atleast three referees to be received not later than 20th September, 2010 to:
P.O. Box 78664 – 00507 Nairobi
or email:

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