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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Consultancy on Technical Support for Micro-Credit Programme


HelpAge International is a global network striving for the rights of disadvantaged older people to economic and physical security; healthcare and social services; and support in their care-giving role across the generations.

HelpAge International and its partner HelpAge Kenya are looking for an external Evaluator to submit an expression of interest and interpretation of the Terms of Reference for undertaking an assessment a 5-year portfolio of projects (May 2008 - April 2013) entitled: Preventing HIV and AIDS and Alleviating Its Impact in Multigenerational Households (Supporting Multigenerational Households through Economic Empowerment of OVC in Kenya).

The project is part of a larger portfolio comprising of 9 individual projects being implemented in 5 different countries in Africa. The project is being implemented by Helpage Kenya in collaboration with two local CBOs in Thika District, the Mangu HIV/AIDS Integrated Programme and the Integrated AIDS Programme Thika is implementing a 5-year programme, namely: Preventing HIV/AIDS and Alleviating Its Impact in Multigenerational Households The project is funded by BIG Lottery (UK)
through HelpAge International.

This project seeks to transform the livelihoods of older persons and OVC resource poor settings by equipping them with life skills and loaning them cash and resources to serve as start-up capital to implement income generating activities (IGAs) of their own choice.

At the end of the project it is expected that 1,950 people (1,000 MGH representatives and 950 OVC) will have acquired the necessary skills and confidence to run their IGAs effectively and will have acquired sufficient knowledge about HIV and AIDS, which will enable them to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection.

The purpose of the assignment is to assess the effectiveness of the intervention on the target population and make recommendations which will inform and guide the project implementation for the remaining implementation period.

The main objectives of the assignment are to:
 To assess the effectiveness of the micro-finance project in addressing the objectives of the programme and the needs of the community;
 Review and identify strengths and limitations in the current credit delivery systems in place in relation to the universally acceptable parameters on microfinance for the most disadvantaged ;
 To assess the effects of the credit model on the beneficiaries (assess the access, involvement, support structures and benefits);
 To assess the effectiveness of the system in place to collect and continuously monitor information being raised by the project. This may include; Review of the tracking system/Defaulter warning indicators , investment and savings etc;
 To assess of procedures of recruitment of participants meet the criteria set by the project as per the project proposal;
 To assess how the beneficiaries, the loan appraisal committees and the Implementing partners relate and implications on sustainability;
 Assess if the model provides an impression of a future community managed fund and if not, identify what needs to be changed or done differently;
 Critically review the loan data base and identify areas of improvement;
 Make recommendations on the appropriate best way forward ;
 To support the community and partners identify appropriate and viable businesses to run within that particular community;
 Determine if and define the kind of external support that the project partners require in order to effectively implement the planned interventions.

The Scope of the Assignment

The assignment will be carried out extensively and will examine and advice as applicable the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the intervention.

Expression of Interest and Expected Results

All interested consultants are requested to write an expression of interest by:
1. Interpreting the TOR
2. Explaining in detail the methodology to be used in carrying out the assignment
3. Providing a detailed professional budget indicating daily professional rates;
4. Explaining their competences to meet the requirements of the assignment
5. Providing the duration of the assignment and when ready to undertake the assignment.
6. Providing evidence of similar work undertaken in the recent past (not more than 3 years), including contact details of references

Deadline for application: 1st October, 2010. Please send your application by email to:

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