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Sunday, September 12, 2010

ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK) Application for General Assembly Membership

ActionAid International Kenya (AAIK) has been working in Kenya since 1972 to facilitate processes that eradicate poverty and ensure social justice through anti-poverty projects, local institutional capability building and public policy influencing.
AAIK became an Associate of ActionAid International (AAI) in 2005 ushering in a new governance structure. AAIK is now a national NGO registered in Kenya. AAIK works in 20 districts of Kenya and links key international, national and local institutions in favour of poor people. Our innovative projects, social mobilization and policy advocacy work focus on six thematic areas; Women’s Rights, Right to Food, Just and Democratic Governance, Right to Education, Human Security in Conflict and Emergencies and HIV and AIDS and Right to Health.
ActionAid International Kenya Governance Structure
To enhance legitimacy and accountability to our supporters, partners and with the poor and excluded people who we work with, AAIK has a two-tier governance structure made up of a General Assembly and a National Board.
The General Assembly is the top governing body of AAIK. It is made up of about 40 members recruited through an open and transparent process. These are persons with demonstrated commitment to the values upheld by ActionAid in the fight against poverty. Members are appointed in their individual capacity and NOT as representatives of organisations or affiliations that they may be associated with.
The General Assembly members are non-paid volunteers committed to supporting the interest of the poor and excluded, and to upholding the values of AAIK. The General Assembly normally meets once a year and members are encouraged to take part in other AAIK activities such as Committees, Task Forces and visits to AAIK’s Development Initiatives (DIs).
The Board comprises of 12 people, and meets quarterly to provide leadership and guidance to management. Its members are elected by the General Assembly from among the members of the assembly.
Our preferred candidates will have:
  • Willingness to work on a voluntary basis
  • Demonstrated commitment to the values upheld by ActionAid in the fight against poverty and injustice
  • Willingness to work with others in a governance rather than management role
  • Mix of experience relevant to AAIK’s work including campaigning and advocacy, civil society, building  poor people’s institutions, academia, private sector, civil service and government
We are especially keen to appoint people who come from or work directly with communities of poor and excluded people.
Application details:
  • Your application letter outlining your suitability as a member of the General Assembly
  • CV of no more than three (3) pages, stating field of expertise, experience and contribution in the social development sector or to society/ the community at large
  • Names of three referees and their telephone contact details
If you are interested, please send an application by 10th October, 2010 to:
Governance and Board Development Committee,
P.O Box 42814, 00100, Nairobi
ActionAid is an equal opportunity organisation.
Women are encouraged to apply

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