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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ICT Officer - FAHAMU

Fahamu has a vision of the world where people organise to emancipate themselves from all forms of oppression, recognise their social responsibilities, respect each other’s differences, and realise their full potential. Fahamu is looking for a qualified and passionate ICT Officer.

Job Description

The ICT officer will report to the Programme manager and be responsible for:

  1. Providing ICT technical support for Fahamu offices.

  1. Provide design support for Fahamu’s programs.

  1. Create, update and manage the Fahamu website and associated program sites, including but not limited to the AU Monitor and the Emerging Powers in Africa sites, including, where appropriate, the migration of these sites to appropriate content management systems.

  1. Create, update and manage partner and associated websites where support is required.

  1. Provide advice and support to Fahamu’s program staff and partners to implement new media strategies in human rights and social justice protection and advocacy including where appropriate, through trainings and workshops and development of curricula.

  1. Assist in the setting up and maintenance of the Pambazuka platform

  1. Assist in the implementation of ICTs for learning including support for Fahamu’s distance learning courses and other online training platforms.

  1. Assist in the development and update of Fahamu and partners’ online presence on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking platforms

  1. Provide advice on Fahamu’s database management system.

  1. Maintain Fahamu and partners’ listserves and online newsletters.



·         Competence with the following software: Macromedia technologies: Authorware, Flash, ActionScript, LINGO, Adobe Photoshop/PaintShop Pro, and Illustrator, HTML/Scripting languages
·         Familiarity with video/sound editing: Adobe Premier, QuickTime Pro, Sound Edit 16/Cool Edit Pro
·         Experience of Web development and issues of bandwidth and compatibility
·         At least two years experience of developing CDROM and/or web base learning materials
·         Experience with Win 98/2000/NT and Mac OS, and general computer hardware
·         Competence in developing in Drupal, PHP5, XML and web 2.0 technologies.
·         Comfortable with both PC and Mac platforms
·         A degree in ICT from a recognized University or equivalent work experience
·         Good understanding of design and layout
·         Self-motivated/self-starter
·         Experience in database management
·         A keen interest and experience in innovating new and exciting ways of using ICT for social justice


·         Qualification in multimedia technologies
  • Ability to nurture young activists in using ICTs for social justice
·         Ability to provide ICT support to staff and partners with limited ICT knowledge and experience
·         Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines
·         Commitment to the mission and values of the Fahamu
·         Background in publishing

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

A competitive salary and benefit package will be provided. The salary will be dependent on experience, educational background and salary history of the successful candidate.

If interested submit your application letter and curriculum vitae by email to  Please include “ICT Officer application” in the subject line.

Deadline for application is 24th September 2010. Applications received after this date will not be considered.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Fahamu is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  

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