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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Horticultural Project Market Analyst

A Horticultural project with an initiative to raise the incomes and food security levels of small-scale farmers through increased productivity and improved marketing of horticultural crops and products, including dried legumes and root crops wishes to recruit a Market Analyst.

Market Analyst will undertake the following activities:
  • Provide analysis on value chains, market data and market trends
  • Analyse trade data from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and undertake a comparative analysis with the HCDA monthly fresh produce export data
  • Collect and collate market information from the Ministry of Agriculture and field officers on a monthly basis
  • Conduct comparative market data analysis and provide reports
  • Conduct market related surveys as required, analyse findings and produce reports
  • Work with the horticulture data validation committee monthly to authenticate horticulture export data
  • Produce and distribute Marketing News newsletter
  • Provide information for annual and quarterly reports
  • Any other duty as may be assigned
Applicants should send CV and salary history to by August 13, 2010. Only applicants selected for interview will be acknowledged.

Interested applicants should have the following qualifications:
  • At least bachelors degree with relevant training in statistics and related computer software from a recognized university
  • Candidates with experience in market analysis and development work will have an added advantage.

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