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Monday, August 9, 2010

HealthNet TPO Jobs in South Sudan

  1. Public Health Advisors – 2 Positions
  2. Public Health Technicians – 3 Positions
  3. Senior Finance Administration Manager
  4. Team Leader/Public Health Advisor
  5. Programme Manager Mapel, South Sudan
The Dutch organisation HealthNet TPO is a knowledge-driven, non-profit organization that works in areas disrupted by war, disasters and poverty. Working together with local populations it channels emergency aid into sustainable health care development.
HealthNet TPO operates in 16 countries with more than 3.000 employees where it provides expert advice and support on rebuilding and restructuring health systems, mental health, health financing and disease control; and conducts related social, epidemiological and medical research contributing to a better response to chronic crises worldwide.
Health Net TPO’s programme in South Sudan dates from 1996 and aims to contribute to improving the overall health situation and strengthening of health systems, to ensure the provision of quality health care trough including and building the capacity of Sudanese organisations, communities and authorities.
HealthNet TPO is implementing a health service delivery programme in Western Bahr el Ghazal and expects to expand its health sector support with a similar programme in Northern Bahr el Ghazal.
Health Net TPO is therefore currently seeking 7 candidates to fulfil the following vacancies:
Public Health Advisors
(2 positions)
The role of the Public Health Advisor is to strengthen the institutional and operational capacity of the CHD in fulfilling its responsibilities. The Public Health Advisor provides advice and support to the CHDs aimed at strengthening their capacity in coordination, planning, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the Basic Package of Health Services in all its aspects. Gross monthly salary indication of C1.650 to a maximum of €2.400 and competitive benefits package.
  • Degree in Medicine, Nursing and/or Public Health;
  • Minimum of 3 years work experience in planning, management and implementation of health programmes;
  • Affinity with and proven experience / skills in institutional capacity development;
  • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English and advanced Computer skills (Word, Excel, E-mail)
  • Desirable qualifications include Knowledge of spoken and written Arabic
Public Health Technicians
(3 positions)
The Public Health Technician will be a seconded staff member of the County Health Department and reports to the Public Health Advisor seconded to the CHD by Health-Net TPO. He/she is expected to work both independently as well as in consultation with other CHD team members in order to build capacity within the CHD and the supported health facilities. Gross monthly salary indication of C 1.200 to a maximum of€ 1.700 and national benefits conditions.
  • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English;
  • Qualified health professional with a Diploma or Masters in Public Health (MPH) from a recognized institution;
  • Minimum of three years working experience in a similar position preferably with an international NGO or relevant government department;
  • Advanced training skills (with proven knowledge of adult learning and community mobilization);
  • Desirable qualifications include Knowledge of spoken Arabic and local languages e.g. Jur, Luo and Dinka.
Senior Finance Administration Manager
The Senior Finance manager is responsible to oversee all financial related aspects of the programmes in Western and Northern Bahr el Ghazal. He/she will work closely together with the Grant Manager of the region and will supervise local financial administrative staff working in the projects. Gross monthly salary indication of €1.100 to a maximum of C 1.600 and national benefits conditions.
  • Recognized degree in accounting, economics or a related discipline; preferably professional accounting qualifications (CPA, ACCA, ACA, etc.);
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience, with at least 3 years in a developing country, ideally in a NGO project related setting;
  • Proven ability to ensure the continuous availability of funds, to control the disbursement of these funds, and to properly establish recognized procedures to account for their use;
  • Desired donor financial management procedures experience (accounting, reporting formats, withdrawal applications, etc.).
Team Leader/Public Health Advisor
The Team Leader / Public Health Advisor will have direct responsibility for Health Net TPO appointed staff involved in capacity development of the County Health Departments in Raja and Aweil North, for capacity development of the CHD staff of Jur River County and the implementation of the BPHS and community based primary health-care activities in the three counties in Western and Northern Bahr el Ghazal. Gross monthly salary indication of €1.950 to a maximum of €2.750 and competitive benefits package.
  • Health professional with a Diploma or Masters in Public Health (MPH) from a recognized institution;
  • Minimum of 3-5 years of experience working in a similar position, preferably with an international NGO or relevant government department;
  • Excellent communication, managerial, and organizational skills, with high-level written and spoken English and advanced Computer skills (Word, Excel, E-mail);
  • Desirable qualifications include Knowledge of spoken and written Arabic and local languages e.g. Jur, Luo and Dinka.
The Health Net TPO programme in Mapel (Jur River County, Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Southern Sudan) was initiated in 2005. Health Net TPO supports currently 8 health centres with funding of the Dutch government, and expansion of the programme is expected any time soon.
HealthNet TPO is currently seeking a candidate for the following position:
Programme Manager Mapel, South Sudan
The Programme Manager is responsible for the overall management, supervision and control of the Mapel programme activities in such a way that the stated programme goal and objectives are achieved optimally within the limited timeframe of the current programme. Gross monthly salary indication of € 1.650 to a maximum of €2.400 and a competitive benefits package.
  • Experience in a comparable position (overall budget holding and management, project management, proven problem solving and organizational skills, flexible);
  • Experience working in security and unstable environments and proactively identifying and addressing issues;
  • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English and advanced Computer skills (Word, Excel, E-mail);
  • Preferably experience in managing health programs.
Deadline Notice (for all positions): By the 18th of August 2010
For more information and a full job description: please visit our website or contact our HRM
department at HealthNet-TPO, Tolstraat 127, Amsterdam telephone number: +31 20 512 06 46 or email to

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