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Monday, August 9, 2010


The Kenya Office of the International Center for Transitional Justice wishes to develop a media training module as a tool to assist journalists to report on the Kenyan transitional justice process generally and specifically to aid the Kenyan media to monitor and report on the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, including setting the agenda and capturing the debate and controversy surrounding it; and to monitor and report on the search for justice for victims of post-election violence through efforts to set up a Special Tribunal for Kenya and the Investigation launched by the International Criminal Court.  
The consultancy shall include but not be necessarily limited to the following:
2.1              Research on transitional justice generally and in Kenya
2.2              Research on the role of the media in reporting various aspects of transitional justice.
2.3              Developing a manual for journalists reporting transitional justice and the truth justice and reconciliation commission, the Special Tribunal for Kenya or other similar mechanism that may be established, the International Criminal Court as it investigates, indicts and prosecutes those who bear the greatest responsibility for post-election violence; including how to address ethical dilemmas, comparative experiences from other countries, case studies, etc.
2.4              The manual should anticipate journalists’ needs, including answering the four Ws and H, highlighting functional skills and techniques of reporting and how to deal with ethical dilemmas while reporting transitional justice and the TJRC.
2.5              The manual should also include relevant stories, pictures, cartoons and illustrations.
The consultancy requires either an experienced journalist who also has a good understanding of transitional justice, or alternatively, a transitional justice expert working together with a seasoned journalist.
Interested consultants should send their expressions of interest accompanied by their CV to the undersigned by close of Friday, 13th August 2010.
Kindly circulate this notice to those who may be qualified and interested.
Njonjo Mue
Head of Kenya Office
International Center for Transitional Justice
ACS Plaza, Lenana Road
P.O. Box 2193 - 00202
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-20-3877508 / 254-20-3860201
Fax: 254-20-3877663

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