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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scholarships for a five-week capacity development training program on “Anti-Corruption and Good Governance”

Applications are invited for a limited number of scholarships for a five-week capacity development training program on “Anti-Corruption and Good Governance”, to be conducted in AUGUST and SEPTEMBER 2010, at the Les Aspin Center for Government, Washington, DC, USA. The main aim of the program is to provide personnel with knowledge and skills in how to implement anti-corruption strategies in order to improve integrity and accountability systems in the private and public domains. The training is being organized by the Marquette University Les Aspin Center, in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
- Candidates will be selected mainly from government agencies and civil society organizations that work in the area of anti-corruption and the administration of justice. Other candidates will be drawn from central and local government institutions, human rights organizations, women’s development organizations, educational institutions, the print and electronic media, religious organizations, as well as from other sectors with work related to the promotion of integrity and accountability in the public and private sectors. Except students, all other candidates in junior to middle level positions or in positions with potential policy influence are preferred.
- Candidates must have at least a national diploma of advanced education (Diploma Certificate, B.A., M.A., etc) or proven record of other advanced educational training. Students currently enrolled in a university program are exempted. 
- Candidates must be currently employed in a relevant institution, in good standing, and with not less than 2 years of proven work experience in development work or relevant field. 
- Candidates must be at least twenty-five years of age. University students must not be less than 21 years old.
- Applicants must be Kenyan citizens and MUST also already have a valid Kenyan national passport, with expiration date not less than one year from date of application.
- NOTE WELL: Only short listed applicants will be invited for interview and only those candidates successful in the interviews will be further contacted.
- Application materials must include the following:
1. Application letter;
2. Two letters of recommendation;
3. Photocopy of passport, including pages with photo, date and place of birth, issue and expiry dates and other personal details;
4. Current organizational information, with position at organization and work responsibilities;
5. Daytime contact: phone, fax or email;
6. Curriculum Vitae;
7. Personal Statement of Purpose (200-250 words). This should outline reasons for participation in the training, including, but not limited to, how training will benefit the candidate or his/her organization and community, what the candidate will seek to accomplish with training, and why the candidate feels she or he should be selected. All the above materials must be sent together, at the same time, with the application letter.
- All applications received must be post-marked, otherwise they will be rejected. Hand-delivered applications will not be accepted. Completed applications should be sent through regular postal mail service ONLY to the following address:
P. O. BOX 50309
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Strictly, ALL APPLICATIONS must be received not later than MARCH 20, 2010. Any application received after this date will be automatically disqualified.

“The future is not a gift it is an achievement. Every generation helps make its own future. This is the essential challenge of the present” RFK 1962

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