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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

WASH Programme and Proposal Development Consultant

Terms of reference for a consultancy

Proposal/Programme Development for EU Water Facility in Ethiopia or Kenya

  • To help Save the Children UK develop a successful proposal for the EU Water Facility call in Ethiopia or Kenya.
Closing date: 07 Apr 2010

Location: Kenya

Consultancy Dates:
  • April/May 2010 (approximately 20 – 25 days work: TBC)
Commissioning Manager: TBC


Save the Children UK is looking to develop its WASH programme in Ethiopia and Kenya to help address its organisational mandate in child survival and development. Through ongoing assessments, Save the Children UK has recognised that WASH is a priority need of families in its programme areas, and a key gap in its current programme portfolio.

Save the Children UK sees the EU Water Facility call as an opportunity to develop a programme which addresses the underlying causes of child poverty and morbidity, whilst at the same time, strengthening the impacts of its existing multi-sectoral programme.

Save the Children UK is seeking a consultant to work with its country team in Ethiopia or Kenya (consultant will be assigned a country) to develop a WASH programme plan, and then translate this into a strong EU Water Facility proposal. Currently it is envisaged that this will be a 3-year 2.5 million EURO proposal, as per the donor guidelines.


Specifically the consultancy will focus on the following tasks:

A) Understanding key requirements of EU Water Facility

The consultant will start reviewing EU Water Facility Call for Proposals Guidelines.
  1. Review EU Water Facility Guidelines and have an understanding of objectives, purpose and other key requirements including compliance rules.
  2. Review EU Water Facility application formats including logical framework analysis and budget, and have a clear understanding of information required for a strong proposal.
B) Literature Review & Stakeholder Analysis (2 – 3 days)

The consultant will then review and condense relevant information on the WASH sector at global, regional and country level. This will include:
  1. Reviewing and referencing key current developments and debates in the global WASH sector, including but not limited to: MDGs, Joint Monitoring Programme, Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), Wateraid, Netwas (Network for Water and Sanitation International), IRC – Africa Water Network (AWN), ANEW (Africa Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation).
  2. Reviewing and referencing key regional WASH bodies, roles, responsibilities and current initiatives.
  3. Carrying out a stakeholder analysis at national level of key government, non-government, and private sector involved in the WASH sector.
  4. Reviewing relevant literature of key stakeholders at the national level, including but not limited to: National, Provincial and/or District level government WASH laws, policies, standards and/or strategic plans; Donor strategies for the WASH sector; WASH Coordination Bodies ToRs, Strategies and/or current initiatives; NGO WASH sector strategies.
C) WASH Programme Development (10 – 14 days)

Having carried out a literature review and stakeholder analysis, the consultant will:
  1. Discuss the role of WASH in delivering country strategy and child survival objectives with Save the Children UK country team. Review ToR, expectations and key milestones and adjust as required.
  2. Meet with key national level external stakeholders as identified in the stakeholder analysis.
  3. Travel to the programme target areas (TBC) to carry out field visits, meet with key provincial/district level stakeholders, and participatory exercises with target communities.
  4. Carry out consultations with children in particular to incorporate their needs into the proposed activity.
  5. Hold participatory programme development sessions with key Save the Children UK staff and other key stakeholders at district/provincial and national level.
  6. Submit a WASH 3-year programme plan to Save the Children UK country team for feedback. Format will be further defined but will include context analysis, assessment information, detailed programme plan, logframe, activity plan and budget.
Save the Children UK would expect the following key WASH development issues to be addressed during consultations and programme development:
  • To identify the role of the private sector, NGOs and CSOs, which should be in the delivery of water and sanitation services.
  • To look at the role of community participation in: the planning delivery of water and sanitation services: their role in holding institutions and their governments to account for the delivery of services.
  • To identify the obstacles and problems poor people have – with a specific focus on children – in accessing clean water and sanitation as a result of current water and sanitation policy environment, strategies and approaches of the various water and sanitation stakeholders (governments, IFIs, INGOs etc.).
  • To identify opportunities for the integration of WASH into Save the Children’s other key sectors including food security, nutrition, livelihoods, health (including HIV & AIDS) and education.
  • To ensure sustainability and replicability (going to scale). The intention of this programme would be to identify models that could be adopted by service providers in Ethiopia/Kenya.
D) EU Water Facility Proposal Development (5 – 7 days)

Having developed a generic WASH programme plan and budget for Save the Children UK. The consultant will then be expected to translate this into an EU Water Facility proposal including developing a budget in compliance with donor requirements.
  1. Review of EU Water Facility proposal guidelines.
  2. Coordination of input from key stakeholders in country.
  3. Coordination of input from key stakeholders in London.
  4. Development and finalisation of a proposal (concept note, full proposal, logframe, and budget)
The consultant will focus on the technical components of the proposal, and will receive wider proposal development support from Save the Children UK’s Programme Funding Unit.

Key Outputs:
  • WASH 3-Year Programme Plan for Ethiopia or Kenya (as assigned)
  • Presentation of Programme Plan for key stakeholders
  • EU Water Facility Proposal (concept note, full proposal, a logical framework analysis, and budget as per the guidelines for the EU Water Facility Call for Proposals)
Time Frame:

The deadline for EU Water Facility proposal submission is 2nd of June. The country-level work should be completed by mid-May to allow for final review and submission.
  • April Week 3: Literature review and stakeholder analysis
  • April Week 3&4: Field Work in XXXXXX
  • April Week 4: Presentation of WASH programme plan and feedback
  • May Week 2: Final WASH programme plan shared
  • May Week 2: EU Water Facility Proposal Complete
How to apply

Please send an expression of interest with you CV to H.toyama @

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