National Irrigation Board (NIB)
Open National Tender
Tender No: NIB/T/99/2009-2010
Tender Name: Midterm Evaluation Study to Assess the Benefits/Impact of Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) in NIB’s Managed Projects
I. Background
I. Background
The National Irrigation Board (Board) is a Government parastatal established in 1966 by an Act of Parliament, Chapter 347 of the Laws of Kenya, and whose mandate is the development, promotion and management of all national irrigation schemes in the country.
In line with this mandate, the Board is currently managing seven national irrigation schemes, four research stations in various regions of the country while preparing to construct new irrigation infrastructure in other parts of the country.
II. Objective
The overall objective of the midterm evaluation is to assess and document the benefits and impact of the Economic Stimulus Project (ESP) on the social and economic status, welfare and livelihoods of the intended direct and indirect project beneficiaries in ESP project areas under Board’s management; improvement of the economy in general and the national strategic grain reserve.
This will involve assessing and documenting the project’s contribution to improving the livelihoods of project surrounding beneficiaries, communities, national economy and national strategic reserve. The evaluation will include identifying the impact, changes, timeliness, coverage, appropriateness and connectedness of the project, highlighting key lessons learned in the concluded phase and recommendations for improving the future structuring of interventions.
III. Broad Terms of Reference (TOR)
The broad terms of reference include the following:
- Measure the extent to which programme’s objectives to improve the social and economic status of households in the targeted areas have been achieved;
- Provide the Board and Government of Kenya (GoK) with information on how the program interventions have contributed to livelihood security of the targeted households;
- To assess the impact of the project on creation of employment opportunities in production, processing and marketing of maize and other crops;
- Inform future design of similar interventions by the Board and GoK and provide the staff with a learning opportunity.
The detailed TOR is available in the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents. The estimated duration of the assignment is six (6) calendar months.
The Board now invites Kenyan consulting firms to submit proposals for the provision of these services. The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the GoK’s Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005 and Regulations, 2006. Interested consulting firms must provide relevant information to demonstrate proven experience and capacity to undertake the assignment as requested in the RFP documents.
Detailed set of RFP documents may be obtained from Cashier’s office, Main Building (Unyunyizi House), Lenana Road, Nairobi, upon payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh. 5,000.00 per set payable in cash or banker’s cheque payable to General Manager, National Irrigation Board.
Interested consulting firms may obtain further clarification/information from and inspect the RFP documents at the Procurement & Supplies Officer’s office, NIB, Tel : +254-20-2711380/468 during working hours (8.15 a.m – 5.00 p.m, Mon-Fri.).
Completed properly bound proposal documents in plain sealed envelopes and properly indicating Tender No. and Name as indicated above and addressed to:-
General Manager
National Irrigation Board (NIB)
Unyunyizi House, First Floor, Room 309
Lenana Road, Hurlingham
Nairobi, Kenya
National Irrigation Board (NIB)
Unyunyizi House, First Floor, Room 309
Lenana Road, Hurlingham
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: + 254-20-2711380/468
Fax: +254-20-2722821/2711347/2723392
Should be placed in the Tender Box provided at the reception, on ground floor, at NIB Headquarters, Main Building (Unyunyizi House) located at the junction of Lenana and Woodlands Road, Kilimani, Nairobi so as to reach him on or before Thursday, 15
The proposals documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the Nile Basin Board Room at NIB Head Office, Lenana Road, Nairobi. Consulting firms or their representatives are invited to attend.
Timely submission of the proposals at the above stated address shall be the responsibility of the firms and late bids will be rejected.
General Manager
National Irrigation Board
National Irrigation Board